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央視國際 (2005年04月06日 17:05)



  首先開始的”語音變輕鬆”環節,讓你看到單詞就會讀,接下來的是”看大片兒 學英語”,呈現精彩英文電影 《霹靂嬌娃》第二部,火爆的場面,實用的口語,不容錯過,最後的”實地大演練”環節,楊舒這次又會使出什麼樣的高招來讓你所學的英語口語派上用場呢?節目精彩,不容錯過。



  1. The eggs he sells everyday are better than everybody else sells. 他每天賣的雞蛋比其他每人賣得都好。

  2. That black lad was very sad because his dad had died in a bad accident in a factory.



  接下來“看大片 學英語”環節,給大家帶來精彩英文電影《霹靂嬌娃》第二部,以下是它的內容提要:

  影片簡介:Movie summary:

  Three super-spy “babes”: Natalie, Dylan and Alex are feminine secret weapons against the forces of evil, and once again they are faced with the challenge of defeating an evil gang of criminals. Two special rings hold the information necessary to crack a major crime case, but the rings have been stolen by a group called the “Fallen Angels” . In order to retrieve the two rings and dismantle the evil criminal network, the three beautiful spies break into the lion’s den, throwing themselves directly in the face of mortal danger. But thanks to their quick intelligence, their matchless martial arts skill, and their never-say-die confidence, they succeed in recovering the two rings, in the process uncovering the “fallen angel” behind the scenes. And in the end, justice triumphs over evil.

  翻譯: 三位美麗的特工“嬌娃”:娜塔麗、狄蘭和艾麗克斯,是剋敵的最神秘的玫瑰武器,她們再一次面臨邪惡組織的挑戰。兩枚戒指對偵破某一重要案件有著非同尋常的作用,但卻被一夥名叫“墮落天使”的組織所盜取,為了奪回兩枚戒指,將這個邪惡組織一網打盡,三位嬌娃深入虎穴,曆盡艱辛,憑著超凡的智慧,無敵的功夫,必勝的信念,,最後兩枚戒指重新失而復得並挖出了幕後的“墮落天使” ,正義終於戰勝了邪惡。

  三 將從影片中選出三句英語口語教給大家,如下:

  1. I will take those odds. (我想來試一試。)

  2. You’re so fired. (你真是玩火自焚。)

  3. Party time. (好好玩吧。)

責編:蘭華  來源:CCTV.com

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