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央視國際 (2005年03月18日 14:28)


  “看大片 學英語”

  本期電影 《101斑點狗》


  在本期的週五“互動區”節目中,首先帶給大家的是“語音變輕鬆”環節,我們繼續教給大家輕鬆記單詞的小竅門。在接下來的“看大片 學英語”環節,101隻可愛的小斑點,在惡魔庫伊拉的手中,將會有怎樣的命運呢?《101斑點狗》是一部非常有意思的關於小狗的電影,喜歡小狗的朋友可千萬不要錯過!


  斑點狗 Dalmatian

  電影介紹:《101斑點狗》 Dalmatians

  在優美的倫敦市郊,斑點狗 Pongo 和他的主人一名遊戲設計者 Roger過著平靜的生活。另外一隻斑點狗 Perdy 和它的主人 Anita 也住在同一個城市裏。Anita 是一名服裝公司的設計師。一次偶然的機會,Anita 的老闆Cruella,一個衣著怪異、酷愛皮草服裝的“皮毛狂”, 發現了 Anita 設計的斑點大衣,Cruella 對這個設計非常欣賞。故事就圍繞著斑點狗展開了。

  In a tranquil London suburb, a Dalmatian named Pongo lives a peaceful life with his master, Roger, a designer of video games. In the same city lives another Dalmatian, Perdy, and her owner, Anita, who is a fashion designer. By chance, Anita’s boss, Cruella ? a “fur crazy” woman with strange taste in clothes, who has a obsession with animal fur ? notices of one of Anita’s designs that Dalmatian fur, and takes a particular liking to it. The story unfolds around these Dalmatian dogs.

  一天, Pongo 在路上遇到了自己的“夢中情人”,另外一隻小斑點狗,就是 Anita 的愛犬 Perdy 。Pongo 為了追上 Perdy ,帶著自己的主人 Roger 在馬路上狂奔,不惜把自己的主人 Roger 拖進了水裏。

  One day, Pongo encounters on the street his “dream mate”, another Dalmatian, who is none other than Anita’s pet, Perdy. Pongo frantically chases Perdy, pulling his master Roger along the road with him, and ends up dragging Roger into the lake.

  Roger 在找到 Pongo 的同時,認識了 Perdy 的主人 Anita 。由於兩隻斑點狗的牽線,兩隻狗的主人 Roger 和 Anita 也情投意合,兩個人和兩隻狗依依不捨,各自走在回家的路上。

  Roger finds Pongo, and at the same time meets Perdy and her master, Anita. Brought together by the two love-struck dogs, Roger and Anita also feel a twinge of attraction. But the two owners go their separate ways, with their dogs in tow.

  在回家的路上,Perdy 又去追 Pongo , Anita 也被拖進了河裏。這樣偶然的機緣,使兩個人情投意合,閃電般地,一對新人和一對新犬雙雙步入教堂,開始了他們甜美的生活。

  But on the way, Perdy also chases Pongo, in the process also dragging poor Anita into the lake. The result of all these mishaps is that Roger and Anita quickly fall in love, and in no time both dogs and owners have united in marriage, and are living a happy life together.

  很快地,Perdy 搶先一步,生下十五隻可愛的小斑點狗。當大家都沉浸在幸福中的時候,Cruella早已等在門外,要買下所有的小斑點狗為了製作自己的斑點皮毛大衣。這個無理的要求被 Roger 和Anita 斷然拒絕了。

  Perdy gets a head start over Anita, and gives birth to 15 adorable Dalmatian puppies. But just when everyone is enjoying this family bliss, Cruella appears at the door, wanting to buy all the puppies to make her fur coat. This unreasonable request is of course refused by Roger and Anita.

  Cruella 被氣走了,生活又恢復了平靜。小斑點狗們漸漸地長大了,看看今天小斑點狗們又有什麼樣的禮物呢?

  Cruella departs in her car, and the family returns to its normal tranquility. And the little puppies begin to grow up. Let’s see what gifts they will receive today.

  當大家沉浸在幸福中的時候,Cruella 還是沒有死心,為了滿足自己製作皮毛大衣的私欲,她派出兩名笨拙的手下,將小斑點狗們擄走。

  But despite their cozy family bliss, Cruella has still not given up her scheme. In order to carry out her selfish plan of making a fur coat, she sends two bumbling assistants to kidnap the dogs.

  但是,笨拙的壞蛋們沒有想到的是,他們的行徑被好心的小狗發現了。Pongo 和 Perdy在失去了小斑點狗之後,傷心至極,向動物朋友們發出求救,在 Pongo 和 Perdy 傷心之時,好心的動物朋友們前來拔刀相助,發起拯救行動,向壞蛋進行報復。

  However, what the clumsy bad guys don’t know is that their plot has been discovered by the puppies. When the puppies are stolen, Pongo and Perdy are heartbroken. They send out a request to their animal friends, and the animals come to their aid during their time of sorrow, mounting a rescue mission to save the dogs and defeat the bad guys.


  The animals use a clever trick to divert the attention of the bad guys. The birds distract them while the dogs escape together, and a fox outside the door disrupts things.


  The dogs all make a successful escape, but there is one dog that has been separated from the others, and he proceeds to match wits with the stupid bad guys.

  到底小斑點狗們能否從 Cruella 的魔掌中順利地逃走呢?

  Will the little Dalmatian succeed in escaping Cruella’s evil clutches?

  小斑點狗們順利地逃出了 Cruella 的大本營,由於壞蛋們沒有給小狗們食物,小狗們饑餓難耐,好心的動物朋友們把它們帶到了奶牛場。Pongo 和 Perdy趕到了奶牛場來營救小斑點狗們,與此同時,惡魔 Cruella 也趕來了,但是,Cruella 在這麼多動物的面前,將會得到怎樣的懲罰呢?

  The dogs make their escape from Cruella’s prison. Because the bad guys had not fed them, the dogs are ravenously hungry, and the animal friends take them to a dairy farm. Pongo and Perdy rush to the dairy to retrieve the Dalmatian pups, but the evil Cruella is also on the way. But, faced with so many animal adversaries, what fate is in store for her?

  Pongo 和 Perdy帶著101隻小斑點狗們回到了家中,過上了幸福的生活。

  Pongo and Perdy bring the 101 Dalmatians back home, and they all live happily ever after.


  1. You have it all wrong.

  你搞錯了 你弄錯了

  2. I’ll get even.


  3. Just wait!


  4.You’ll be sorry!


  5. 三個小狗的名字:

  Jewel 小珠珠

  Fidget 小淘氣

  Two-tone 小花臉

責編:蘭華  來源:CCTV.com

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