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央視國際 2004年10月28日 16:47





  You’ve gotta choose a golden location and we’re talking about a lot of “gold” here.

  Hire a French designer, if you’re gonna build an apartment building, make it high-class.

  電梯直接入戶,戶型最小,也得400平米。什麼寬帶啊、 光纜啊、衛星啊,能給接的全給它接上。樓上有花園,樓裏有游泳池,樓裏站一個英國管家,戴一個假發,特紳士那種。

  Private elevators that go directly to each apartment. The smallest apartment layout should be at least 400 square meters. Provide every hook-up that can be hooked up.

  A flower garden is on the roof, an indoor swimming pool.

  A British butler stationed in the building with the powdered wig and everything, like an aristocratic gentleman.


  When the owner comes in the door, whether or not there’s anything that needs to be done, he says “May I be of any assistance, sir?” spoken in a perfect London British accent. Makes you feel like you’re really somebody.

  社區裏再建一所貴族學校,教材用哈佛的,一年光學費就得幾萬美金,再建一座美國診所,24小時候診,就是一個字: “貴”。

  There should be an upper-class school in the neighborhood where the classes all use Harvard textbooks. Enrollment fees alone will be 20, 30 thousand US dollars. There should also be an American medical clinic, open 24-hours. In a word: expensive.


  Seeing the doctor for a common cold will cost about 18,000. The people in the neighborhood all drive BMW’s or Benz’s. If you drive a Japanese car, you’ll hide your head in embarrassment.


  For this kind of apartment, what’s the cost per square meter? We’re talking about at least 2000 US dollars. 2000 dollars, that’s just the investment cost. The selling price should start at 4000 dollars.


  Pretty expensive , right? And there’s not even any discount! You’ve gotta take into account the psychology of the owner. A buyer who would be willing to pay 2000 for a house is not going to care in the least about paying another 2000.


  What makes someone a success? I’ll tell you. A success is someone who buys the most expensive things, not the best things. Therefore the slogan for our real estate company is: Don’t go for the best, go for the most expensive.


  1 Excuse me


  要説:Excuse me。 對方會説:Bless you!


  2 Of course 當然 明知故問

  舉例子(不禮貌) 別人向你問路,問是不是向左走,你説Of course,又問是不是到第一個拐角左拐,你又説Of course ,別人會很生氣,因為你老是説“明知故問”。

  應該説:That’s right.

  當別人請求你幫助時,你説Of course.

  3. Do you understand ? 或者Understand?(更不禮貌)

  潛臺詞: 你的理解能力跟不上我的解釋水平(有責備之意)

  應該用: Do you follow me ? 我是不是解釋的太快了?

  4. I know 我早知道了

  如: 你的朋友打電話過來與你聊天問某某影片的女主角記得嗎?

  你説I know 其表現得很無聊的樣子

  例如: 幾個人為一個問題討論半天,最後終於得出結論,你卻説一句I now 別人會火冒三丈,早知道幹嗎不説?

  應該説I see (哦,我終於明白了) I understand / appreciate

  7. 單詞順序不可顛倒

  You look very awful pretty. 你非常漂亮。

  You look very pretty awful. 你太糟糕了。
