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央視國際 2004年09月23日 10:56


  城市:上海 人民公園內

  時間:每週日 上午8點—下午6點


  城市:南京 鼓樓廣場(江蘇電視臺邊),

  時間:每週六 晚上19:00-23:00


  城市:蘇州市 蘇州圖書館

  時間:每週五 週六 晚上7:00pm-9:00pm



  David: I’m trying to buy a good wristwatch.

  Yang Shu: I can help you! You Americans don’t know how to bargain 討價還價with the shopkeeper. They will try to cheat 欺騙you

  David: Thanks, Yang Shu. I trust you.

  Yang: Here, this looks like a good place. [to shopkeeper] How much for this Rolex? Can you quote us a price報價?

  Laoban: This is a great watch. Very high quality. Imported from Japan. 10,000 RMB.

  David: 10,000 RMB? That’s ridiculous! It looks like a bootleg 盜版watch to me.

  Yang: [to David] No, believe me, it’s not fake 假貨. I know about watches. Leave it to me. [to shopkeeper] Too high! The most we’ll pay is 4,000 RMB.

  David: Wow, you really know how to haggle討價還價 with the shopkeepers, Yang Shu. I’m impressed.

  Laoban: No, that’s too low! 6,000.

  Yang: 4,500.

  Laoban: 5,000, and that’s my rock-bottom price. 最底價

  Yang: Okay, that’s a fair price. Wrap it up for us.

  David: Thanks a lot, Yang Shu. I really appreciate it. We Americans are no good at negotiating with shop owners. Without you here, he would surely rip me off. 欺騙

  Yang: Oh, David, think nothing of it! You’re a good friend, I’m glad to help.

  Laoban: [giving them the wrapped-up watch] Okay, here it is. Thank you for your business.

  Yang: You’re welcome, Uncle Zhang.

  David: Uncle Zhang????

  Yang: Oops…
