央視國際 2004年01月15日 16:17
在南部海域下面,有一個夢幻般的壯觀而神秘的地方,一個受陽光影響,由無數生物組成的巨大王國,其峽谷深淵之中生活著許多動物,有模樣古怪的,有愣頭愣腦的,還有婀娜多姿的,一派生機盎然.這是一個色彩斑斕,形態各異, 充滿動感的世界.
There is a place under the southern seas more spectacular, more mysterious that we could ever dream of. A place driven by light, a vast empire built by living organisms. It’s canyons and chasms are home to the bizzare, the bold and the beautiful. It beats with the pulse of life. And everywhere, an everchanging dazzle of colour, pattern, and movement animals anchored to the rocks beneath them create fantastic underwater gardens.
Some like Persian carpets flung onto the sea bed, others like forests transported from outer space be prepared for surprises because in this alice in wonderland world. Nothing is as it seems…Animals masquerade as plants.
There are fish that change sex when it suits. Flamboyant duel-sex snails who advertise their double appeal with multi-colored abandon.
Fish who try to disappear in the blink of an eye the shifting colours and shapes can blur what is real, what is imagined.
競爭是激烈的,進攻是殘酷的,但有的動物心裏卻另有所思.進攻性最強的要屬雀鯛,它們身材雖小, 但脾氣大,隨時可以發起進攻,它保衛著自己的海藻牧場,它的收成任何人都不許看.極其好戰的雀鯛時刻準備出擊,就連全副武裝的刺尾魚也望而生畏.與此相反, 小丑魚靠環境來保護自己,海葵帶毒的尖觸角是它的保護神.這是珊瑚礁上奇怪的一種關係,小丑魚將自己的粘液與海葵的粘液混在一起,使海葵誤認為小丑魚是自己身體的一部分,其觸角也就不叮咬小丑魚了.作為報答, 小丑魚將天敵拒之門外.年復一年,小丑魚永遠也離不開這肉乎乎的堡壘了.
捷足先登的是這些奇特誘人的"鮮花",看似鮮花,實際上它們是珊瑚深處一種動物的鰓,除了美麗的外表,它的鰓可以有效呼吸, 甚至覓食.
儘管它們無力與外界抗衡,但一有敵情, 便可立刻消失.
有些幸運兒, 雖然逃進了開闊的海域,卻逃不過更大的災難.
As the sun rises higher in the sky it is peak hour down below. More fish more action. As 1000’s of species bustle between their feeding grounds. The plant eaters search for algae pastures. The carnivores for bite sized prey. It’s a fish eat fish world. Competition is rife. Aggression is high. Although some may have other things on their mind. One of the most aggressive is the damsel. Small in size. Big in bluster. It’s ready to take on anyone. A marine farmer protecting its algae pastures. Anyone eyeing off its crop gets short shift indeed. The damsel, bristling with belligerence is ever ready for a fight. Even the heavily armed surgeon fish is dispatched with ease.
In complete contrast the clownfish is protected by its territory. The poisonous stinging tentacles of this anemone. Its one of those strange relationships which exist on the reef. By mixing its mucus coat with that of the anemone the clown fish tricks its host into thinking it is part of the anemone’s own body. So the anemone tentacles don’t sting the clown fish and in return the clown fish keep potential predators at bay.
For year after year the clown fish may never venture beyond the reach of its fleshy fortress. Mid morning passes…the sun moves higher. The fish continue their days work in relative calm. But on the surface it is turmoil.
The tide rushes out its power batters and sculpts the reef carving channels through the corals. The waters here are a rich soup of food and nutrients swirling from the shallows to the reefs outer edges and here await a myriad of hungry mouths. Amongst the first to help themselves are these exotic blooms, not flowers at all, but the gills of worms buried deep within the reef. As efficient as they are lovely these gills both breathe and feed. Truly a magic carpet they clean the water and return precious nutrients to the reef. Although they seem vulnerable, It takes only a shadow to make them disappear. Hungry arms, like the barnacles – appear from every nook sea cucumbers cast filigree nets. Crinoids, animals left over from dinosaur times add their waving fronds very little food escapes and any that does get through to the open sea will finds monstrous appetites waiting.
夜間, 其身體和肢節伸展開來,食用漂浮過來的, 微小的浮游生物;白天, 這些柔軟而脆弱的身軀則縮回它們那石灰岩的骨架中防禦捕獵者,它們變得更像植物,其體內微小的海藻細胞將陽光轉換成能量,將水中的二氧化碳轉換成一塊一塊的石灰岩.
有些珊瑚不是建築師, 而是美工師,這些軟體珊瑚滋生在較暗的地方,這裡沒有嗜光的硬體珊瑚.
這條藍黑相間的小魚叫"清潔工"隆頭魚,一種一眼就認得出的, 極受歡迎的魚.在一種水下理髮店裏,它們為過往的客戶梳洗,這是一次徹底的服務.每個鱗片都要梳理到,寄生蟲和病菌被清除,在隆頭魚用膳的同時 ,戶也得到了滿足.每一條隆頭魚都有自己的店,並且生意總是很忙,不分生疏,不分大小,也不分敵友.
Corals don’t just live on the reef – they build it. Laying down layer upon layer of limestone. The corals have created this multidimensional world. There are more than five hundred different coral species on the great barrier reef – each with it’s own tequnique for survival. The plate coral is adept at the art of catching light. The fast growing staghorn wins the race for space with branches spreading 15 cms a year while the slow and steady brain corals may take 25 years to grow to human head size but could be around for a, 100 more. Corals are not typical animals. What we commonly call coral is really a colony of millions of tiny animals called polyps which work together to build the complex structures of the reef. Each polyp is genetically identical to it’s neighbour and all are carnivorous, crowned by a ring of stinging tentacles. At night their bodies and arms reach out…to feed on the microscopic plankton floating by , but during the day these soft vulnerable bodies are tucked away in their limestone skeletons safe from predators. And they become more like plants – tiny algae cells which live in the polyps flesh work to turn the sunlight into energy and carbon dioxide from the water into their building blocks of limestone. This unique “double life” helps explain hoe such tiny creatures can create a reef so large that it is the only living thing that can be seen from outer space. Some corals are not builders, merely decorators…These soft corals thrive in the shadier parts of the reef where their light hungry hard coral cousins would fail with no algae in their flesh to make limestone. Their contribution to the reef is a deceptively fragile beauty.
This small blue and black fish is a cleaner wrasse. One fish instantly recognized, even sought after by others on the reef. In a sort of aquatic barber shop they offer passing clients a wash and brush up. Is a thorough going over – No scale unturned. Parasites and diseased skin are cleaned off…meal time for the cleaner wrasse while the client fish seems tickled by the attention. Each individual cleaner wrasse has its own ”station” and is always busy. No fish is too strange, too small ,or too imposing. It boldly goes where no other fish would dare adding dental hygiene to its chores even if the client is a predator like this potato cod…accidents hardly ever happen! And gill cleaning is just an added extra.
太陽西斜, 影子拉長了,給白天活動的魚類發出了危險的警報.在漸暗的光線中,它們小心翼翼地躲在珊瑚礁的暗處,原因很明顯,捕獵者喜歡在朦朧中聚集起來,觀望著,等待著.
黃尾鰺和小梭子魚成密集隊形巡遊,以同一速度, 同一方向迂迴運動.
對小魚來説,集體行動可以減少傷亡,忽隱忽現的魚群, 令捕獵者眼花繚亂,魚群可以整體行動.
光線暗了下來, 更加危險了,就連大魚也都聚在一起.捕獵者步步逼近,海底深處, 饑餓的鯊魚如魚雷般撲來,它們一到, 這裡一下子混亂起來.
鯊魚捕獵靠的是嗅覺, 而不是視覺,所以魚群唬不住它們.混戰之後, 寄生的印魚緊緊地依附在鯊魚身上.
As the sun drops in the sky and the shadows grow – it signals danger for the day fish. Uneasy in the failing light they stick to the shadows of the reef and its easy to see why – the predators of the twilight are gathering, watching, waiting, travally, small barracuda cruise, all in tight formation, moving and turning as one with liquid synchronisity. Each fish has a row of sensitive scales down its body to pick up the slightest movement of their neighbours and replay it instantly the ultimate in precision swimming. For small fish the school offers the safety of numbers. The flickering of many individuals confusing the hunters – yet able to react as one. As the light dims, the danger grows even the large day time fish gather together, but the predators are closing in called by their hunger. The sharks rise from the depths, like deadly torpedos. Once they’ve arrived the balance shifts, the most dangerous time has come, those who were hunters can now become prey, even the baracouda take flight. Sharks hunt by smell not sight so schools don’t confuse them. Through the wild melee the parasitic remora hangs on tight.
夜幕降臨, 明月升起,同樣影響著珊瑚礁.
珊瑚礁還有許多不認識的"小居民",有未被命名的,有很難看見的, 像這種"魔鬼蝦",或很難找出的, 像這種"皇帝蝦",它生活在浮華的軟體動物"西班牙舞者"的鰓裏面,甚至當"西班牙舞者"飛翔時,皇帝蝦也不會
這種動物的鰓長在背後,性器官長在頭上,漂亮的服裝多達600件,這些裸鰓類軟體動物真是稀奇,它與陸地上的蝸牛非常不同,沒有硬殼保護, 卻有其防禦功能,它身上的毒素可以燒去人手的表皮,它那霓虹燈般的美麗,提醒捕獵者它們是極具毒性的,它白天將其美麗的身體藏在珊瑚洞內,只有晚上才敢出來.
Nightfall, the moon rises and takes over as the driving force on the reef. Minute plankton rise up through the water and the coral polyps come out to feed. Stretching out their fingerlike tentacles to catch the passing plankton. While the coral feeds, the day time fish sleep, a dangerous state to be in the parrot fish expels a mucus shroud to wrap itself. A protective cocoon masking its scent from predators. As the daytime fish disappear, an amazing array of unearthly creatures, roll, creep and crawl out into the darkness. The reefs hidden faces look out, spying on creatures never seen by daytime divers. The banded coral shrimp is the most common of the 200 reef shrimps, it’s the night time version of the cleaner wrasse, using its pinchers for a nip, cut and clean. With the moray eel again a satisfied customer, like mini contortionists they even give themselves the once over scraping their bodies. Then neatly popping the waste in their mouths. Many tiny denizens of the reef are still unknown, unnamed hard to see-like the emporer shrimp which lives hidden away in the gills of this flashy sea mollusk – the Spanish dancer. The shrimp rides on the Spanish dancer even when it takes flight. Lost in the swirling red skirt of flesh that gives this mollusk its name. With gills on their backs, sex organs on their heads and 600 glorious costumes. These nudibranches are truly bizarre. A far cry from their land relatives – the snail and while they lack shells, they’re certainly not defenceless…Armed instead with poisons capable of taking the skin off a person’s hand. Their electric beauty advertises this toxic cargo to any potential predator. Although they keep their colours hidden in the reef caves by day, venturing out only at night.