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>> 娛樂秀


央視國際 2003年12月19日 16:41

  This is Entertainment on Tuesday.

  今天我們要説的是《加勒比海盜》迪斯尼公司花費1億3500萬美元拍攝的一部關於海盜的巨片。The movie of Pirates of the Caribbean costs one billion and thirty five million U.S. dollars.真可謂是大投入啊。

  這部片子還請來了強大的演員陣容,主角有大名鼎鼎的Johnny Depp 和英俊的Orlando Bloom

  這個Johnny Depp可是當紅的影星,他就是《剪刀手愛德華》當中那個剪刀手的扮演者,在這部影片中他扮演“黑珍珠”號海盜船the black pearl的船長Jack Sparrow,還有Orlando Bloom就是在《指環王》扮演那個英俊的精靈族射手的演員,在這部影片中他扮演鐵匠Will.

  還有這部片子的導演Gore Verbinski也是大名鼎鼎,像著名的影片<時光機器> The Time Machine,,<墨西哥人> The Maxican都是Gore Verbinski導演的.還有製片人Jerry Bruckheimer曾監製過《獅子王》The Lion King,《珍珠港》Pearl Harbor的金牌製片人。

  這部影片是關於海盜題材的一部影片,但是它其中也包含了一些對人性善惡的描寫,像這部片子中的Jack Sparrow他雖然是一個海盜,但他卻有著正義的一面,為了拯救Elizabeth他不顧危險堅持同極度邪惡的Barbossa船長作戰。我想這也是這部片子想要弘揚的一點吧。

  剛才咱們説到了海盜。那你知道用海盜的英文説法是什麼嗎?pirate, One who robs at sea。

  。它還有一個意思就是“盜版者”的意思。比如説:pirated book 盜版書籍,pirated film 盜版電影。

  這部影片的故事背景加勒比海Caribbean Sea位於北美洲東南部,17世紀的時候,這裡更是歐洲大陸的商旅艦隊到達美洲的必經之地,所以,當時的海盜活動非常猖獗,不僅攻擊過往商人,甚至包括英國皇家艦隊。由於它風景非常的優美,現在成了旅遊勝地。這部影片就是在加勒比海上真實拍攝的,所用的船都是真實的還有許多鏡頭都是演員自己完成的。

  There You’ll Be

  這首歌是電影《珍珠港》的主題歌,值得一提的是這部電影的製片人與Pirates of the Caribbean是同一個製片人,這那麼我們先來聽一段這首歌。

  在歌詞中唱到I'll be glad because I was blessed

  to get to have you in my life這裡有個詞是“祝福,保祐”的意思。比如説:The dying man blessed his son.這個垂死的人祝福他的兒子。The dying man blessed his son.

  Bless的反義詞是curse詛咒bless還有保祐的意思。比如常説的God bless you. 上帝保祐你。那麼在英國呢,如果一個人打了噴嚏,你可以説“bless you”保祐你,這也是一個習慣説法,“bless you”

  I owe so much to you “我太多的事都要歸功於你。”這裡的owe在這裡是“歸功於”的意思I owe so much to you。owe sth to還比如説:They owed their riches to oil他們的財富來自於石油。還可以説:She owes her good health to diet and exercise.她的好身體歸功於飲食和鍛鍊。She owes her good health to diet and exercise.

  當然owe 還有“欠債”的意思。比如説:He owes me five Yuan.他欠我5元錢。He owes me five Yuan.好了,下面我們把這首歌完整地聽一遍,看你是否學會了。


  Right Here Waiting

  Oceans apart

  Day after day

  And I slowly go insane

  I hear your voice

  on the line

  But it doesn't stop the pain

  If I see you next to never

  How can we say forever

  Wherever you go

  Whatever you do

  I will be right here waiting for you

  Whatever it takes

  Or how my heart breaks

  I will be right here waiting for you

  I took for granted all the times

  That I thought would last somehow

  I hear the laughter

  I taste the tears

  But I can't get near you now

  Oh can't you see it baby

  You've got me going crazy

  I wonder how we can survive

  this romance But in the end if I'm

  with you I'll take the chance

  Oh can't you see it baby

  You've got me going crazy

  waiting for you

  There You'll Be

  When I think back on these times

  And the dreams we left behind

  I'll be glad because I was blessed

  To get to have you in my life

  When I look back on these days

  I'll look and see your face

  You were right there for me

  In my dreams I'll always see

  you soar above the sky

  In my heart there will always

  be a place for you

  For all my life I'll keep

  a part of you with me

  And everywhere I am

  There you'll be

  Well you showed me how to feel

  Feel the sky was in my reach

  And I always will remember

  all the strength you gave to me

  Your love made me make it through

  Oh I owe so much to you

  You were right there for me

  In my dreams I'll always see

  you soar above the sky

  In my heart there will always

  be a place for you

  For all my life I'll keep

  a part of you with me

  And everywhere I am there you'll be

  Cause I always saw in you

  my light my strength

  And I want to thank you now

  For all the ways

  You were right there for me

  You were right there for me

  For always
