
China鈥檚 Diplomacy in Asia 12-24-2004 17:11


Yang Rui


Mr. Cui Tiankai: director general of the Asian Affairs Department of Chinese Foreign Ministry

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The year of 2004 saw a robust economic growth of China, despite the macro-control. In fact, China's diplomacy serves right the purpose of keeping the stable and peaceful international environment to insure its domestic constructions, and in nation in particular, China's emphasis on shaping good neighborly ties is partly motivated and driven by the active momentum of the regional economic integration. However, problems and potentially flash points do exist in east Asia, territorial disputes, ethnic conflicts, historical issues as well as religious feuds combined to threaten the regional stability.

What are China's mandate, responsibility and stakes of its national interests in this region? Join us in this edition of Dialogue is Mr. Cui Tiankai, director general of the Asian Affairs Department, Chinese Foreign Ministry.


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