
Insurgency in Iraq & the Future of Iran 08-19-2004 13:56

Under Discussion:

Insurgency in Iraq & the Future of Iran


Prof. Pan Zhenqiang: world affairs analyst

Prof. Jia Qingguo: Associate Dean of the School of International Studies of Peking University

One of the questions concerning Iraq is whether the Bush Administration has been able to win the peace after the major combat is over in this country. Once again, hostilities have fled up on the holy city of Najaf. The Shiite insurgency in all around the country took to the street to demonstrate again the occupation of coalition forces despite the power transfer in June. What's more, American-Israel feel that Iran is going nuclear and accused Iran of supporting anti-US insurgency in Iraq.

To have a closer look at the latest development in this country, dialogue will invite Prof. Pan Zhenqiang, a world affairs analyst, and Prof. Jia Qingguo, Associate Dean of the School of International Studies, Peking University to make some comment on this topic, please stay tuned.


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