Studio Audience Wanted錛侊紒錛 nbsp; 11-15-2005 14:13
Join us at CCTV's studios and participate in our studio audience!
Along with the chance to be on TV, all participants will receive an exclusive Up-Close gift.
TEL: 88243405
Studio Audience Wanted for CCTV-9!!!
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涓 勾涓湁涓 崐鐨勬椂闂達紝浠栧湪涓浗鐨勫悇涓壘婊嬬梾鍖哄璧幫紝鍙﹀涓 崐鏃墮棿錛屼粬鍦ㄤ笘鐣屽悇鍦伴鏉ラ鍘夥紝鍕熼泦鍠勬銆備粬鐨 quot;鏅鴻鏁戝姪浣撶郴"鏁戝姪 000澶氬悕鑹炬粙瀛ゅ効錛屾垚涓烘皯闂磋壘婊嬫晳鍔╁姏閲忎腑鏈 瑙勩 鏈 湁鏁堢殑妤鋒ā銆
3鏈 鏃ワ紙鏄熸湡鏃ワ級涓嬪崍涓 偣嬈四繋鎮ㄦ潵鍒癠p-Close鎰熷彈鏉滆仾錛岃壘婊嬪鍎跨殑紱忔槦銆
Chung To's Chi Heng Foundation, an NGO based in Hong Kong, is one of the few organizations which have managed to assist AIDS orphans in receiving a proper education. A Harvard graduate, Chung To left his successful banking career and used his own savings to start the foundation.
Presently, his foundation has helped over 2,000 AIDS orphans return to school - the oldest of which are now preparing to go to university. Come to our studio on Sunday, March 5, 2006 at 1:00 PM to hear Chung To's amazing life stories!
鍦ㄩ闄╂姇璧勭晫錛 B>鍒樺畤鐜 /b>榪欎釜鍚嶅瓧鏄 quot;楂樻墜"鍜 quot;鍏冭 "鐨勪唬鍚嶈瘝銆備粬鍦ㄥ彴婀懼浗闄呭垱涓氭姇璧勫叕鍙鎬換鑱屾湡闂存姇嗭紪錛曞浼佷笟錛屽彧鏈夛紥涓け璐ワ紱浠栫洰鍓嶇粡钀ョ殑緹庡晢涓粡鍚堥泦鍥二湁鏁頒釜璺ㄦ床闄呴闄╂姇璧勪釜妗堣鏂潶浣涘ぇ瀛﹀晢瀛﹂櫌縐頒負"緹庡浗紜呰胺涓庝簹媧查棿鐨勬ˉ姊 quot;錛涜仈鎯熾 澶у攼鐢典俊銆丼OHO涓浗錛屼箖鑷寵澶氫腑澶栧悎璧勯珮鏂版妧鏈駭涓氱殑鎴愰暱錛岄兘涓庡垬瀹囩幆鐨勬姇璧勬伅鎭浉鍏熾
3鏈 鏃ワ紙鏄熸湡鍏級涓婂崍9錛 0錛屾榪庢潵鍒癠p-Close錛屼笌鎴戜滑涓 悓鍒嗕韓"涓浗鍒涙姇絎竴 quot;鍒樺畤鐜 /b>鐨勬垚鍔熺粡楠屻
In the world of venture capital, Peter Liu is a pioneer and master. Chairman and Founder of WI Harper Group, Peter has established joint-venture partnerships with several leading Chinese enterprises including Lenovo Group, SOHO, and Datang Telecom.
Please join us in the Up-Close studio on Saturday, 9:30am, March 4, 2006 to share with us venture capitalist Peter Liu's stories of success.
鐗╃悊瀛︽槸浠栧皯騫存椂鏈熺殑姊︽兂錛屽ぇ瀛︽瘯涓氬悗鐣欏緹庡浗錛屽嵈閫夋嫨嗘硶寰嬪銆備粠寰嬪笀鍒版姇璧勪漢錛屼粠鎶曡祫哄埌CEO錛涜亴涓氱敓娑搗浼忎笉鏂紝鐙珛鍜岃嚜涓葷殑涓 鍗村緇堝涓
浠栧氨鏄櫤鑱旀嫑鑱樼殑CEO鈥斺 鍒樻旦.
3鏈 鏃ワ紙鏄熸湡鍏級13錛 0錛屾榪庢偍鏉ュ埌UP-CLOSE鐜板満鎰熷彈榪欎綅CEO鐨勭簿褰╀漢鐢熴
His childhood passion was physics and science.As a graduate physics student abroad, he discovered law. From lawyer to venture capitalist to CEO, his career choices have varied... But independence and determination has guided him every step along the way.
He is Liu Hao, CEO of at 13錛 0, March 4 (Sat.)
Welcome to submit your question/opinion here