
Huang Jinbo: Chinese American Politician 12-13-2004 14:59

He鈥檚 the first Chinese-American mayor in the United States.

He is a Medical Doctor.

He sings well and owns a private TV station.

He is a man of many roles鈥

But he is always Huang Jinbo, a patriotic Chinese-American with a legendary life.

鈥淚 am a descendant of the dragon.鈥

These words ring true with Huang Jinbo. As a Chinese-American, Huang Jinbo has never forgotten his roots, and is constantly striving to improve cultural communication between China and the United States.

This is a Chinese legend. As a mayor and a senator, Huang Jinbo has been in the political stage in Cerritos of America for more than 14 years; as an economist, he works as an advisor in Sino-American Cultural and Economic Development Company; as a M. D, he has opened a private hospital in America and is considered as the authority in medical circle; as a singer star he holds a Chinese American Television and has put on many performances in China and USA.


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