Name List of Main Participants of the World Peace Seminar of
the Chinese Religions
Members of the Delegation of Chinese Religious Leaders Attending
the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders
FU Tieshan(Head of the Delegation),Chairman of the Chinese Catholic
Patriotic Association and vice-President of the Catholic Bishop's
Conference of China
Wenzao HAN(Deputy Head of the Delegation),President of China Christian
YE Xiaowen(Counselot of the Delegation),Direclor-General of State
Administration for Religious Affaires of PRC
閔智亭 中國道教協會會長
MIN Zhiting,President of the Taoist Association of China
陳廣元 中國伊斯蘭教協會會長
CHEN Guangyuan,President of the Islamic Association of China
嘉木樣 中國佛教協會副會長
Jamyang,vice-President of the Buddhist Association of China
聖 輝 中國佛教協會副會長
Shenghui,vice-President of the Buddhist Association of China
曹聖潔 中國基督教協會副會長
CAO Shengjie,vice-President of China Christian Council
Leaders of the National Religious Organizations Residing in
劉柏年 中國天主教愛國會、主教團副主席
LIU Bainian,vice-Chairmn of Chinese Catholic Patriolic Association
and vice-President of Catholce Bishops' Conference of China
刀述仁 中國佛教協會副會長
DAO Shuren,vice-President of the Buddhist Association of China
張繼禹 中國道教協會副會長
ZHANG Jiyu,vice-President of the Taoist Association of China