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Premier Wen: Sino-Russian ties to see stable growth

China's new premier Wen Jiabao said in Beijing Tuesday when meeting the press that China-Russian ties will see stable growth thanks to concerted efforts made of both countries.

China and Russian share more than 4,000 kilometers of common border. "The stability and development of Sino-Russian ties comply with the fundamental interests of the two peoples," he said.

The Sino-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation has scored further development and the Sino-Russian Good-Neighborly Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation signed by the two countries has laid a legal foundation for the bilateral ties, he said.

China and Russia will continue to give play to the role of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a six-member regional organization founded in 2001, he noted.

"All members will strengthen consultation on major international issues and make due contribution to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development," the Chinese premier said.

March 18, 2003


By Xiaowei according to Xinhua News Agency

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