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2001: CPPCC Member Calls for Better Protection of Women

A member of China's top advisory body suggested Friday that planning for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of women and children be made side by side with that for social and economic development.

Despite the government policies in favor of women and children's education, employment and legal protection, women in China still cannot enjoy equal rights as men in participation in social affairs, allocation of labor resources and sharing of social benefits, said Liu Hairong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

Addressing the third plenary meeting of the current CPPCC National Committee session, Liu proposed that there should be specific and explicit expression of the principle of equality between men and women in the 10th Five-Year Plan for Social and Economic Development and the priority areas and major indices in the "Women's Development Program" and "Children's Development Program", such as participation in state affairs, employment, education, health, legal protection and resources and environment should be also mirrored in the plan, which is now being deliberated by the nation's top legislature.

He also proposed the introduction of the statistics system by gender that is commonly used in international organizations for improving women's status.

March 9, 2001

Source: www.people.com.cn

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