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CPPCC member urges balanced structure of China's population

China should strive to balance the structure of its population and further improve birth quality while proceeding to pursue a still better birth control policy, so as to help seek a solution to the issue concerning its population, said a member of the country's advisory body on Monday.

Chen Zongxing, a noted member of 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made these remarks at the third plenary meeting of the CPPCC National Committee Monday afternoon.

"We should be more aware of the complexity of population-related issues and appropriately handle the relationships between the control of China's total population, improvement of the population quality and the substantial effort to epitomize the structure of the country's population," said Chen, speaking on behalf of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP) .

Chen appealed to the governments at various levels to step up the comprehensive management and contain a rising trend in the ratio of baby boys to girls on the agenda and institute an incentive system to achieve this goal.

He proposed initiating a national health project for the still better protection of the health of baby girls and publicity of the need for balance population mix, as boys are still more preferable rather than girls especially in the country's vast rural areas.

Chen also called for attention to be paid to birth quality and the need of start a project to cure deformed baby girls or girls born with slight defects.

Meanwhile, he said, ageing issue should also be taken as a major issue to be orbited into the process of legalization, he said. "Laws and regulations should be instituted to guide the work in this field."

March 10, 2003

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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