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2000: Chinese foreign minister held press conference

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan held a press conference in Beijing on the afternoon of March 10. Current international situations and China's foreign policies, especially the issue of Taiwan were the main topics at the press.

Tang said that the United States was responsible for tensions between Beijing and Taiwan Province and Sino-US relations were at a "critical juncture."

"What the United States has done on the issue of Taiwan has inflated the arrogance of the separatist forces in Taiwan. Therefore, the United States bears unshakeable responsibility for the tension in the Taiwan Strait," Tang said.

"Both Sino-U.S. relations and cross-strait relations are at a critical juncture," he said, "The United States has increased its weapons sales to Taiwan both in quantitative and qualitative terms".

"What the U.S. says and does on the question of Taiwan would have a direct bearing on the future direction of the Sino-U.S. relationship," Tang added.

"It will also directly bear on peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and also in the Asia-Pacific region."

March 10, 2000

Source: www.people.com.cn

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