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1999: CPPCC held press conference on environment protection

The second session of the ninth CPPCC held a press conference in the Great People's Hall on March 8. Hou Jie, director of the Subcommittee of Human Resources and Environment of CPPCC, Zhang Qia, vice director, and Wang Jirong and Wang Dong, members of the Subcommittee, answered questions raised by reporters from home and abroad concerning environment protection.

Reporter: According to sources, the Subcommittee of Human Resources and Environment has been very active since its founding over a year ago. What special investigation has been made on environment protection, and what achievement has been made? What work do you plan to do this year?

Hou Jie: When achieving an incessant rapid economic growth the Chinese Government assumes also heavy pressure from a fast population growth, a shortage of resources and a deterioration of environment. Some knotty problems are waiting for discussion and resolution. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the leading core attaches great importance to environment protection. Last year the Subcommittee of Human Resources and Environment of CPPCC made investigations and observation in nearly 20 provinces and autonomous regions on 11 special themes, such as sustainable economic development in conjunction with fresh water supply and ecological construction on the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Some important results have been achieved, and 7 special studies have been completed.

In 1999, the Subcommittee of Human Resources and Environment will do its work on a full scale. When completing trans-annual investigation topics involved environment protection work will be highlighted and expand its research into areas of land disertification and protection, raise of population quality in ethnic minority areas and sustainable development of urban economy.

Reporter: As in Government Work Report made by Premier Zhu Rongji, a heightening of national awareness for environment protection is emphasized. What kind measures should be taken in order to implement the requirement?

Zhang Qia: heightening the national awareness for environment protection should start from popularizing knowledge on environment protection among the people. They should make known what aspects are involved in the environment protection, what serious consequences would incur if environment damages have been brought about, how to protect environment and so forth. Compulsory economic, administrative and legal measures should be enforced in restraining any damaging behavior detrimental to environment so that the offenders should be deterred by punishment inflicted. It is very important to enhance law-making, legal education and implementation. The third point is to set up models, both good and evil.

Reporter: To what proportion are state appropriations that have been made over the years for environment protection in national budgets of the country? And what difference is there between China and the developed countries in this regard? Where should the work emphasis be laid in order to enlarge investment needed?

Wang Jirong: Environment protection is the basic national policy of China. The Chinese government has used an increased amount of investment in environment protection since the late 1970s. From 1986-97 there has been seen a steady increase of investment by the country in environment protection to show a proportion of about 0.7% of the country's GDP. In 1998, the figure surpassed 1% in contrast to 2% of GDP used for environment protection in some developed countries. During the late 9th Five-Year Plan period, increased investment will be made toward the end of comprehensive management in key watershed areas, old pollution sources, and environment infrastructure construction in urban areas.

Reporter: China suffered an unprecedented big flood last year. The loss was most serious. What measures should be taken for river control and management?

Wang Dong: After the disaster, the Chinese government made rapid arrangement on reconstruction, harnessing of rivers and construction of water conservation. Huge appropriations have been made. The problem is to use the fund appropriately, not to be diverted to other purposes. All endeavors should be concentrated on construction of quality river dams and embankments.

Other measures include efforts to enhance water disaster awareness; make unified plans to build up a comprehensive appropriate anti-flood system; set up nationwide leading mechanism and do the work in a planned way; take afforestation as an important component of land construction; strengthen scientific research and use of new technology; and control use of water and protect environment in accordance with law.

Reporter: The Beijing municipal government is taking measures for control of air pollution. Is there any other problem that should be highlighted during the coming few years?

Wang Jirong: On the basis of effective implementation of the 18 urgent measures, the Beijing municipal government should also make effort to restructure its industrial production to control pollution; improve fuel structure and spread use of clean energies; stick to new motorcycle gas emission standard and motorcycle elimination rules to control tail gas pollution; and adopt comprehensive measures to prevent dust pollution.

Reporter: The measures taken by the Chinese government in environment protection and pollution control have received general concern from the international community. What is the attitude of the Subcommittee of Human Resources and Environment for use of foreign funds and new high technologies from abroad?

Hou Jie: It is an important task of the Subcommittee to improve communication and cooperation with relevant departments of foreign countries and international organizations throughout the world. We welcome cooperation with other countries in the field of environment protection and pollution control.

March 9,1999, www.people.com.cn

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