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1999: Top legislator on developing democracy

Chinese top legislator Li Peng on March 8 called for expanding grass-roots democracy and promoting democratic election in vast rural areas.

The chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, China's highest lawmaking body, made the remarks when joining NPC deputies from Hebei Province in north China in examining the government work report delivered by Premier Zhu Rongji last Friday at the opening meeting of the current NPC session.

The fundamental way of developing democracy in rural areas is letting farmers elect good village committees through secret ballot, which is now guaranteed by an organic law on the village committee which was adopted last year, Li said.

"But the leading role of the Party branches in rural areas should be highlighted and strengthened while developing extensive democracy," Li said.

Village committees should be farmers' autonomous organizations which should work on the issues of concern to farmers such as making public the management of financial affairs, birth control policies, land allocated for housing so as to put themselves under the supervision of farmers, Li said.

Enterprises in urban areas should introduce and improve the system of workers congress through which representatives of workers can participate in and exercise supervision over the management of enterprises, he said.

"All reform measures should be discussed by workers before they are adopted so as to win workers' understanding and support," Li said, adding that "the Party's leadership and democratic supervision should be strengthened as enterprise reform is carried out."

Neighborhood committees in the cities should have a bigger role to play in community management and developing community services to create a good work and living environment for residents.

The chairman asked Hebei Province to step up efforts to tap its potential in agricultural production and grain processing, to harness the Haihe River, the major river running through the province, and renovate outdated water conservation projects.

On state-owned enterprise reform, Li said, focuses should be on improving managerial mechanism, updating technology and, most important of all, having a good management, and forming a good leadership.

"Reforms will inevitably cost us something but it is the only way out," said Li.

March 9,1999,www.people.com.cn

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