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Latest News     Shenzhou V-China´s first manned spacecraft     Background     China's first spaceman Yang Liwei         

Reponses and Comments

EU hails China´s 1st manned space flight (2003-10-17 10:13)

UN chief congratulates China´s successful manned space flight (2003-10-17 10:09)

Asian countries hail China´s manned space flight (2003-10-16 19:35)

Guangzhou fair abuzz with Shenzhou talk  (2003-10-16 14:58)

Chinese overseas students celebrate safe landing of Shenzhou-V (2003-10-16 14:52)

Congratulations from world leaders  (2003-10-16 14:42)

S. Africa congratulates China on launch of manned spacecraft (2003-10-16 10:10)

European Space Agency salutes China´s first manned space flight (2003-10-16 09:53)

NASA applauds China space launch (2003-10-16 09:04)

UN chief hails China´s maiden manned mission into space (2003-10-16 01:28)

France hails China´s successful launch of manned spacecraft (2003-10-15 23:51)

Chinese watch first manned space launch with keen interest (2003-10-15 21:25)

Ukraine congratulates China on launch of manned spacecraft  (2003-10-15 21:20)

European Space Agency salutes Shenzhou V (2003-10-15 21:19)

Japan congratulates China on rocket launch (2003-10-15 21:18)

Shenzhou V puts China at world's scientific forefront: British media (2003-10-15 21:15)

International responses to China´s launch of Shenzhou-V (2003-10-15 18:42)

US congratulates on China for space milestone (2003-10-15 13:14)

/english/20031015/100666.shtml (2003-10-15 10:55)

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