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Latest News     Shenzhou V-China´s first manned spacecraft     Background     China's first spaceman Yang Liwei         

China opens new chapter in space exploration 

October 15 marks a new chapter in Chinese history. It's a historic day for China as the nation sends its first astronaut into space. China now joins an elite of three nations to have put humans into orbit.

The nation has sent its first astronaut into space. About three hours ago, the Shenzhou V spacecraft was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. It reached orbit 10 minutes later. This historic moment comes 11 years after China officially began its manned space program in 1992, code-named Project 921.

From now on, October 15 will mark a landmark date not only in Chinese but in world history. It will also mark the day China became the third of an elite group of nations capable of sending humans into space, alongside the former Soviet Union and the US.

Yang Liwei said goodbye to his commander early on the morning of October 15 as he boarded the Shenzhou V spacecraft. Two hours and 40 minutes later, he was on his way into space.

The head of China's General Armaments Department and director of the nation's manned space program, Li Jinai, declared the launch a success.

The Shenzhou V is being tracked and directed from a ground control center in Beijing, a monitoring center in Xi'an, and a fleet of monitoring vessels deployed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

China's first astronaut will stay in the re-entry capsule during his time in space. The re-entry capsule is just one of the craft's three modules. The other two are an orbital module at the front carrying scientific equipment, and a power-supply service module at the back.

Also onboard is a kilogram of plant seeds being analyzed as part of a space experiment.

The craft will orbit the Earth 14 times during its planned 21-hour mission. The re-entry module is expected to touch down in a pre-designated area early on October 16, while the orbital module will remain in space for six months.

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