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One Year after WTO Accession         

Forum focuses on China's role after WTO entry

More than 500 specialists, scholars and executives met Sunday in Shenzhen, an economic boom city in south China, to discuss China's role in the world economy after its entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Participants at the International Think-tank Forum share a common view that China's WTO has brought abundant opportunities to Chinese and foreign enterprises, and investing in China has become the new trend in the international economy, according to sources with the forum.

To cope with the new situation, Chinese enterprises need to formulate sound strategies and quickly improve their competitive edge.

Speakers at the forum include former US Vice-President Al Gore, former Philippine President Fidel Ramos and Chinese Vice-Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Long Yongtu.

The forum was jointly sponsored by the Comprehensive Development Research Institute in Shenzhen, the China International Economic and Technological Exchange Center and two other organizations.

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