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Watching over the Three Gorges -- Wuling Town 

A cement pole marks the water level after the second-phase of the Three Gorges Dam Project is finished. When water before the dam is 135 meters deep, back-coming water in this place will be 150. All the lands below will be flooded. In Wanzhou, similar marks are many.

In ancient Wuling Town, Wanzhou District, Chongqing City since the year of 2000, a large-scale migration has been done. Over 8000 people living below this planned water level are relocated. This migration has passed the check by government departments. However, leaving their ancestral place was hard for many aged people.

Dong Shengzhu, an old man from the 11th Team, Yu’an Village, sneaked back from the home for the aged where he had stayed. Due to his poor family, he had never married. In 1999, local government put him in a home for the aged. Because he missed his home village, a few months later, he came back. His old house was only 0.5 meter above the planned second-phase water level. Though he was not among those to be relocated for the second-phase, when water comes back, his house by water is surely endangered. Tan Qiming, Dong’s neighbor, was relocated in Wawu Village close-by. He was to work as a farmer. However, after all the paperwork was done, his father and wife died successively, leaving his blind mother and a three-year old son for him to take care of. Tan changed his mind. He asked for self-relocation. In this way, he could get more compensation from the local government. However, his situation did not meet the policy requirements, thus giving a headache to the local relocation office...

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