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Foreign Ministry spokesperson's answer on President Hu's visit

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson zhang Qiyue said at the Press Conference on May 8, 2003 that in accordance with the charter of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, summit meeting of leaders of member states will be held regularly each year. It's agreed that this year's summit will be held in Russia at the end of May. We are making preparations for the meeting.

It's a Summit of great significance. Participants will discuss a wide range of issues relating to the development of SCO, make important decisions and especially sign a series of legal documents on the institution of the Organization. Leaders of the six members will also voice their opinions and exchange views on major international issues of the day. We believe that this Summit will contribute significantly to the further development of SCO.

French President Chirac has formally invited President Hu Jingtao to attend the informal leaders' dialogue between the South and North in Evian, France on June 1st. We believe that it's of significance for leaders of South and North to have dialogue on safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. China endorses the initiative of France and is preparing actively for the meeting.

With respect to the specific date and agenda of the visit and meeting, we'll put in out in due course.

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