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China and Kazakstan

I. Date of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between China and the Republic of Kazakhstan (referred to in abbreviation as Kazakhstan):

January 3, 1992

II. Review of the Bilateral Political Relations


January 3, the Chinese Government Delegation led by Minister Li Lanqing of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and Vice Foreign Minister Tian Zengpei paid a visit to Kazakhstan and the two sides signed the communiqu岢 on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Kazakhstan.

February 24-28, Kazakhstan Prime Minister Tereshenko visited China. General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng met and held talks with Prime Minister Tereshenko. The two sides signed a joint communiqu岢, the government agreement on mutual visits by citizens of the two countries, the government agreement on the establishment of the committee of cooperation in economy and trade and science and technology, the agreement on the opening of shops by China in Kazakhstan and other documents.

August 7-10, Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Suleimenov paid a visit to China. The two sides signed the consular treaty between China and Kazakhstan, the government agreement on cultural cooperation, the agreement on opening up border ports between the two countries, the government agreement on encouragement and mutual protection of investment, the agreement on transit railway transport between the Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Communications of Kazakhstan and other documents.

November 22-24, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen paid a visit to Kazakhstan. The two sides expressed the desire to continue to consolidate and develop the relations of good neighborliness, friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation and raise the economic relationship between the two countries to a new level.


April 20-25, at the invitation of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People’s Congress (NPC), Kazakhstan Supreme Soviet Chairman Abdildin paid an official friendly visit to China. President Jianang Zemin and NPC Standing Committee Chairman Qiao Shi met separately with him.

August 4-9, at the invitation of Chairman Abdildin of the Kazakhstan Supreme Soviet, the Chinese National People’s Congress delegation led by Vice Chairman Timor Dawamat of the NPC Standing Committee, paid an official friendly visit to Kazakhstan.

October 18-21, at the invitation of President Jing Zemin, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev paid an official visit to China. President Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng had talks or meetings with President Nazarbayev separately. The two sides signed the Joint Statement on the Foundation of the Friendly Relations Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The representatives of the Chinese and Kazakhstan Governments signed respectively the agreement on civil air transport, the government agreement on official business travel by citizens of the two countries and the 1993-1994 program of cultural cooperation between the culture ministries of the two countries.


April 25-28, at the invitation of President Nazarbayev, Premier Li Peng paid an official visit to Kazakhstan. The two sides signed the Boundary Agreement Between China and Kazakhstan, the Agreement on the provision of Chinese Government Loan to Kazakhstan, the Summary of Talks on the Development of Railway Passenger and Freight Transport Between China and Kazakhstan and other documents.

April 4-12, at the invitation of Chief Procurator Zhang Siqing of the Chinese Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Kazakhstan Procurator-General Tuyakbayev led a delegation to visit China and the two sides signed an agreement of cooperation.


February 8, the People's Daily issued the statement of the Chinese Government on providing security guarantee to the Kazakhstan Government. On February 9, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev sent a letter to Chinese President Jiang Zemin to express his appreciation of the statement.

February 20-24, at the invitation of Vice Premier Li Lanqing, Kazakhstan First Deputy Prime Minister Issingarin paid an official visit to China. Premier Li Peng, Vice Premier Li Lanqing and Minister Wu Yi of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation met or held talks with him separately. The two sides signed the summary of the talks on economic and trade cooperation and the memorandum concerning the trade in 1995 between the two countries.

September 11-13, at the invitation of President Jiang Zemin, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev paid a state visit to China. President Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng had talks or meetings with the visiting President separately. The two sides signed the Joint Statement on Further Developing and Deepening the Friendly Relations, the Agreement on the Utilization of the Lianyungang Port to Handle and Transship the Transit Freights of Kazakhstan, the Memorandum of Cooperation Between the Ministries of National Defense of China and Kazakhstan, the Agreement on Cooperation in Meteorological Technology and the notes to be exchanged on the instrument of ratification of the boundary agreement between China and Kazakhstan.


February 7-8, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Deguang led a delegation to the expert meeting at vice foreign minister level of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Measures in Asia, held in Almaty, capital of Kazakhstan. During the visit, Kazakhstan First Deputy Prime Minister Issingarin and Foreign Minister Tokayev met separately with the Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Deguang and his delegation.

February 12-14, at the invitation of Chinese Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen, Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Tokayev paid an official visit to China. President Jiang Zemin and Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen met and held talks with the visiting Foreign Minister respectively.

April 26, President Jiang Zemin of the PRC, President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, President Akayev of Kyrgyzstan, President Yeltsin of the Russian Federation and President Rakhmonov of Tajikistan jointly signed in Shanghai the Agreement on Confidence Building in the Military Field in Border Areas Between the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan. Before the signing ceremony, President Jiang Zemin had a separate meeting with Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev.

July 4-6, at the invitation of Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, President Jiang Zemin paid a state visit to Kazakhstan. President Jiang Zemin held talks with President Nazarbayev, and met with Kazakhstan Parliament Lower House Speaker Ospanov and delivered an important speech entitled "For a Better Future of Friendship and Cooperation Between China and Central Asia". The two sides signed a joint statement, the extradition treaty, the agreement on cooperation between the People's Bank of China and the Kazakhstan National Bank, the agreement on cooperation in quality control and mutual certification of import and export commodities and other documents.

September 3-6, at the invitation of Vice Chairman Utembayev of the Kazakhstan Presidential Supreme Economic Commission, Li Tieying, the Chinese state councilor and minister in charge of the State Commission for Restructuring Economy, paid a working visit to Kazakhstan. During his visit, Li Tieying met separately with Kazakhstan Prime Minister Kazhegelgin and Foreign Minister Tokayev and the leaders from the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of finance, Ministry of Industry and Trade, the State Bank and the Commission of State Assets Management.


April 21-25, at the invitation of Chinese NPC Standing Committee Chairman Qiao Shi, Kazakhstan Parliament Lower House Speaker Ospanov led a delegation to visit China. Premier Li Peng, NPC Standing Committee Chairman Qiao Shi and Vice Chairman Timor Dawamat met separately with the visiting guests, who also held talks with the leaders from the Chinese State Commission for Restructuring Economy, the State Administration of Taxation and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

April 24, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev , Kyrgyz President Akayev, Russian President Yeltsin, and Tajikistani President Rakhmonov signed in Moscow the Agreement on Mutual Reduction of Military Forces in the Border Areas Between the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan.

June 19-30, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, Prime Minister Kazhegelgin, Parliament Senate Speaker Baygeldy, Parliament Lower House Speaker Ospanov and Foreign Minister Tokayev sent respectively messages of congratulation to President Jiang Zemin, Premier Li Peng, NPC Standing Committee Chairman Qiao Shi and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen on China’s resumption of exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong.

September 24-25, at the invitation of Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, Premier Li Peng paid a visit to Kazakhstan and attended the signing ceremony of the agreement on petroleum cooperation between China and Kazakhstan. Premier Li Peng and Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev signed the Supplementary Boundary Agreement Between China and Kazakhstan.

September 24-27, Vice Premier Li Lanqing paid an official visit to Kazakhstan and, together with Deputy Prime Minister Umirzak Shukeev, signed the Agreement on Cooperation in Petroleum and Natural Gas Between the Government of China and the Government of Kazakhstan. Zhou Yongkang, general manager of the China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation, and the Kazakhstan minister of energy and mineral resources, sighed the general agreement on the projects of oilfields development and pipeline construction between the China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

December 3-4, the second meeting at vice foreign minister level of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Measures in Asia was held in Almaty, and agreed on the concluding statement of the meeting. Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Deguang attended the meeting.


April 21-22, at the invitation of Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Tokayev, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Deguang paid a working visit to Kazakhstan. Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Deguang and Foreign Minister Tokayev signed the summary of talks on the settlement of the remaining boundary issues. On April 22, President Nazarbayev met with the Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Deguang in the new capital Astana. They exchanged views on the boundary issues between the two countries, the five-nation summit meeting between China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan and other matters of common concern.

May 7-12, at the invitation of Premier Zhu Rongji, Kazakhstan Prime Minister Balgimbayev paid an official visit to China. President Jiang Zemin, NPC Standing Committee Chairman Li Peng and Premier Zhu Rongji met or held talks with Prime Minister Balgimbayev separately. The two sides signed the Agreement on Cooperation in Space Research and Exploitation for Peaceful Purposes, the Agreement on Tourism Cooperation, the 1998-2000 Program of Cultural Cooperation and other documents.

June 10, at the invitation of the Kazakhstan Government, Huang Zhendong, the special envoy of the Chinese Government and minister of communications, went to Kazakhstan to attend the ceremony to inaugurate Astana as the new capital of Kazakhstan, formerly known as Akmola. Minister Huang Zhendong read out President Jiang Zemin's congratulatory message at the ceremony.

July 3, at the invitation of Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, President Jiang Zemin went to Kazakhstan to attend the five-nation summit meeting of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. President Jiang made the speech at the meeting entitled “Maintain Peace and Stability, Promote Development and Prosperity”. After the meeting, the foreign ministers of the five nations signed the Joint Statement of the Almaty Meeting.

July 4, at the invitation of Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, President Jiang paid a working visit to Kazakhstan. The two Presidents signed the second supplementary agreement on the border between China and Kazakhstan, which marks a complete and thorough settlement to the question of the 1700-kilometre-long boundary between China and Kazakhstan.


January 11, President Jiang Zemin sent a message to Nazarbayev to congratulate him on his re-election as the president of Kazakhstan.

January 19-20, Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen went on invitation to Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, to attend the inauguration of President Nazarbayev. During the visit, President Nazarbayev met with Vice Premier Qian Qichen.

January 23, Premier Zhu Rongji sent a message to Balgimbayev to congratulate him on his re-appointment as the prime minister of Kazakhstan.

March 17, Chinese Vice Premier Qian Qichen sent a message to Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Tokayev to congratulate him on his appointment as deputy prime minister.

May 9, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tokayev sent respectively messages to President Jiang Zemin and Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan to express sympathies and solicitudes over the injuries and deaths of personnel caused by the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

May 10, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, expressed to the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan sympathies and solicitudes over the bombing by NATO of the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and handed over a letter of denunciation of the NATO acts.

May 25, Sergei Tereshchenko, the chairman of the Fatherland Party and former prime minister of Kazakhstan, led a delegation to visit China. Wei Jianxing, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, and member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), met with the delegation.

July 4-14, the delegation of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government haeded by Asheit, vice secretary of the Autonomous Region Committee of the CPC, and Zhang Zhou, vice chairman of the Autonomous Region Government, visited Kazakhstan.

July 7-15, Kazakhstan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tokayev paid an official visit to China on invitation. Chinese President Jiang Zemin and Vice Premier Qian Qichen met separately with him, and Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan held talks with him. During the visit, the two sides signed the agreement on the provision of the Chinese Government loan of RMB Yuan 100 million to Kazakhstan. In addition to Beijing, he also visited Shanghai and Hong Kong.

September 14, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yingfan attended on invitation the meeting at foreign minister level of the member states of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Measures in Asia held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and, on behalf of the Chinese Government, signed the Declaration on the Mutual Relations Between the Member States of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Measures in Asia. Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev met with Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yingfan.

August 24, President Jiang Zemin met with Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev in Bishkek, where he was attending the five-nation summit meeting of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

September 20, Kazakhstan Prime Minister Balgimbayev and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tokayev sent respectively letters of congratulation to Premier Zhu Rongji and Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

September 22, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev sent a letter of congratulation to President Jiang Zemin on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

September 29, Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Li Hui held a reception in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Kazakhstan Prime Minister Balgimbayev, Parliament Upper House Deputy Speaker and others were present at the reception.

In October, NPC Standing Committee Chairman Li Peng, Premier Zhu Rongji and Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan sent respectively messages of congratulation to Kazakhstan Upper House Speaker Lower House Speaker, Prime Minister Tokayev and Foreign Minister Idrisov on their assumption of new posts.

October 21, President Jiang Zemin sent a message of congratulation to Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan.

November 9-16, First Secretary of the Kazakhstan Citizen Party, led a delegation to visit China. Ding Guangen, a member of the Political Bureau, member of the Secretariat, and the head of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, met with the delegation.

November 19, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev signed a decree to confer the Golden Eagle medal on President Jiang Zemin in recognition of his great contributions to the development of the Sino-Kazakhstan relations.

November 23-27, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev paid an official visit to China on invitation. President Jiang Zemin, Vice President Hu Jintao and Vice Premier Li Lanqing held talks or met with President Nazarbayev separately. The two sides signed the joint statement on the further strengthening of comprehensive cooperation between China and Kazakhstan in the twenty-first century, the joint communiqu岢 on complete settlement of the boundary question between China and Kazakhstan, the agreement on cooperation between the two countries in anti improper competition and anti monopoly, and other documents. In addition to Beijing, the President Nazarbayev also visited Sanya, Hainan Province.

December 14, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev presented the Chinese ambassador to Kazakhstan Li Hui with the certificate of honor in recognition of his contributions to the promotion of friendly relations and bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

December 15, the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan held a reception in Almaty on the occasion of China’s resumption of exercise of sovereignty over Macao, and Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Idrisov, former prime minister Tereshchenko and Senior General, the military advisor to the President, and others attended the reception.


January 27, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev wrote to President Jiang Zemin proposing that the foreign ministers meeting and the defense ministers meeting of the five nations of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan be held at the same time in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan.

January 28, Vice Premier Wu Bangguo met with Kazakhstan Prime Minister Tokayev in Davos, where he was attending the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

On the afternoon of March 24, Yao Peisheng, the Chinese new ambassador to Kazakhstan, presented his Letter of Credence to Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev.

March 30, General Chi Haotian, vice chairman of the Chinese Central Military Commission (CMC), state councilor and defense minister, went to Astana to attend the defense ministers meeting of the five nations of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The defense ministers of the five nations signed a joint communiqu岢. During the visit, Vice Chairman Chi Haotian also met with Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev and Defense Minister..

April 24-28, at the invitation of CMC Vice Chairman Chi Haotain, the Kazakhstan defense minister Lieutenant General S. Tokpakbayev visited China. During the visit, Vice President Hu Jintao, CMC Vice Chairman Chi Haotian and Chief of General Staff Fu Quuanyou met separately with Lieutenant General Tokpakbayev and his party.

May 12, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev wrote to President Jiang Zemin proposing that the Prime Ministers Meeting of the Shanghai Five be held in China in 2001 and the meeting be devoted to the discussion of economic cooperation among the five nations.

June 20, President Jiang Zemin sent a message of congratulation to Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

July 4, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan met with Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Idrisov in Dushanbe, where he was attending the Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Shanghai Five.

July 5, President Jiang Zemin met with Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev in Dushanbe, where he was attending the Summit Meeting of the Shanghai Five.

July 27-30, at the invitation of Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, Vice President Hu Jintao paid an official visit to Kazakhstan. During the visit, Vice President Hu Jintao met with President Nazarbayev and held talks with Prime Minister Tokayev. The two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of common concern, and signed the Agreement on Economic and Technological Cooperation Between China and Kazakhstan.

September 12, Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Idrisov wrote to Foreign Minister Tang Jiasuan prosing that the first Prime Ministers Meeting of the Shanghai Five be held in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, at the end of the year.


From February 14 to 16, 2001, Yidlisov, Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, visited China and handed over personally a letter of President Nazarbayev to President Jiang Zemin inviting President Jiang to participate in the meeting of heads of state of the members of the Asian Communications. Yidlisov held talks with Tang Jiaxuan, Chinese Foreign Minister. From February 25 to 27, Tereschenko, former Premier of Kazakhstan, took part in the founding meeting of Boao Forum for Asia and handed over to the meeting a congratulatory letter from President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan. On February 27, Tokayev, Premier of Kazakhstan, wrote a letter to Premier Zhu Rongji in regard to the meeting of the Sub-Committee on China-Kazakhstani communication ports and the international united meeting of officials of communications ministries and customs. On June 15, President Jiang Zemin met with President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan who was participating in the meeting of heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The two sides had an exchange of views on China-Kazakhstani relations and other issues of common interest. From June 16 to 18, President Nazarbayev visited Hong Kong after his participation in the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Tung Chee-hwa, Chief Executive, met with him and offered a banquet in his honor. On June 26, Tereschenko, Acting Chairman of the "Fatherland" Party of Kazakhstan, wrote a letter to Jiang Zemin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), congratulating him on the 80th founding anniversary of the CPC. On July 5, Qian Qichen, Vice Premier of the State Council, met with Surdanov, the departing ambassador of Kazakhstan. On August 28, Tian Zengpei, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC, participated on invitation in the international meeting "Greet a Nuclear Weapons Free World in the 21st Century" held in Alma-Ata. Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan, and Yidlisov, Foreign Minister, met respectively with Chairman Tian Zengpei. From September 13 to 15, at the invitation of Tokayev, Premier of Kazakhstan, Zhu Rongji, Premier of the State Council, paid an official visit to Kazakhstan and took part in the first meeting of the prime ministers of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan, Premier Tokayev, Abdukarimov, Chairman of the Upper House, and Tuyakbay, Chairman of the Lower House, respectively met with and held talks with Premier Zhu Rongji. The two sides signed the China-Kazakhstani Joint Communique, the Exchange of Letters on the Provision of Free Aid by China to Kazakhstan, the Agreement of Cooperation on the Exploitation and Protection of the Tans-Border Rivers between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agreement on the Avoidance of Double Taxation between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agreement of Scientific and Technological Cooperation on Seismological Research between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Agreement on Cooperation in Public Health and Medicine between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan. On September 24, Tereschenko, Acting Chairman of the "Fatherland" Party of Kazakhstan, visited China on invitation. Li Peng, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and Dai Bingguo, Minister of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, respectively met with him and his entourage. On September 12, Nazarbeyev, President of Kazakhstan, sent a message to President Jiang Zemin, congratulating him on the 52nd founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China. On October 25, President Jiang Zemin sent a cable to President Nazarbayev congratulating him on the tenth anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan. From November 9 to 19, Dusubyekov, Procurator General of Kazakhstan, visited China at the invitation of Han Zhubin, Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and participated in the meeting of the Procurators General of Eurasian countries. On December 7, President Nazarbayev wrote to President Jiang Zemin, congratulating China on its accession to the WTO.

III. Bilateral Economic and Trade Relations and Scientific and Technological Cooperation


January 4, the Chinese Government Delegation led by Minister Li Lanqing of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and Vice Foreign Minister Tian Zengpe visited Kazakhstan. During the visit, the two sides signed the summary of talks on the development of economic relations between the two countries, and exchanged notes on setting up the commercial representative's office in each other’s country.

February 24-28, Kazakhstan Prime Minister Sergei Tereshchenko visited China, and the two sides signed the government agreement on the establishment of the Sino-Kazakhstan Inter-Government Committee of Cooperation in Economy and Trade and Science and Technology, the agreement on the opening of Chinese shops in Kazakhstan and the agreement on the provision of Chinese equipment and commodity loans to Kazakhstan.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1992 reaches US$369.1 million, of which Chinese export is US$227.93 million and import US$141.17 million.


April 28, the inauguration of the Almaty Branch of Bank of China was held and the leaders from the departments concerned of the Kazakhstan Government and the Kazakhstan State Bank attended the inauguration.

October 16-20, the first meeting of the Sino-Kazakhstan Inter-Government Committee of Cooperation in Economy and Trade and Science and Technology was held in Beijing. Chinese Vice Minister Shi Guangsheng of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and Kazakhstan Vice Economy Minister Abitayev led their respective delegations to the meeting.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1993 reaches US$434.37 million, increasing by 18% over 1992. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$171.69 million and import US$263.04 million.


June 24-July 2, the economic and trade delegation of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China headed by Li Donghui, vice chairman of the Autonomous Region People’s Government, paid a visit to Almaty, the capital of Kazakhstan. During the visit, Vice Chairman Li Donghui met with Kazakhstan Deputy Prime Minister Abilseitov, who was concurrently minister of science and new technology, and Communications Minister Issingarin, and presided over the opening ceremony of the Xinjiang Export Commodities Fair.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1994 reaches US$335 million, decreasing by 22.7% as compared with 1993. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$138 million and import US$196 million.


July 15-20, the economic and trade delegation of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China headed by Asheit, vice chairman of the Autonomous Region People’s Government, paid a visit to Kazakhstan. During the visit, the Xinjiang foreign economic and trade exhibition and trade talks were held and Kazakhstan Deputy Prime Minister Issingarin received the leading members of the delegation.

November 17-20, the Sino-Kazakhstan Inter-Government Committee of Cooperation in Economy and Trade and Science and Technology (also known as “the Mixed Committee” in abbreviation) held its second meeting in Almaty. Chinese Assistant Minister Liu Xiangdong of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and Kazakhstan Minister Shtoik of Industry and Trade jointly presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting. Kazakhstan First Deputy Prime Minister Issingarin met with Assistant Minister Liu Xiangdong and his party.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1995 reaches US$391 million, increasing by 28.6% over 1994. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$75.447 million and import US$316 million.


June 3-5, Li Donghui, vice chairman of the People’s Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, led a delegation to visit Kazakhstan and held talks with Zhumabayev, the Kazakhsstan deputy minister of industry and trade, and Aliguahinov, first deputy minister of communications. Kazakhstan Deputy Prime Minister Shtoik met with Vice Chairman Li Donghui and his party.

December 17-25, the third meeting of the Sino-Kazakhstan Inter-Government Committee of Cooperation in Economy and Trade and Science and Technology was held in Beijing. Chinese Vice Minister Chen Xinhua Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and Kazakhstan First Deputy Minister Murtazayev of Industry and Trade led their respective delegations to the talks on further deepening the cooperation in economy and trade and science and technology, and signed a summary of the talks.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1996 reaches US$459 million, increasing by 17.6% over 1995. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$95.306 million and import US$364 million.


May 26-30, Xinjiang -Tianjin Export Commodities Fair was held in Almaty.

June 4, Wu Yaowen, vice president of the China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation, and Utepov, director of the Administration of Privatization, Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, signed a contract for China to buy sixty percent of the shares in AKTOBEOIL, an oil and gas company in Kazakhstan.

October 18, entrusted by Premier Li Lanqing, Zhou Yongkang, general manager of the China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Corporation, met with Kazakhstan First Deputy Prime Minister Esimov, who was on transit in Beijing, and exchanged views with him on the implementation of the agreement on petroleum cooperation between China and Kazakhstan.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1997 reaches US$527.4 million, increasing by 14.6% over 1996. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$94.6 million and import US$432.78 million.


April 14-16, the fourth meeting of the Sino-Kazakhstan Inter-Government Committee of Cooperation in Economy and Trade and Science and Technology was held in Almaty. Chinese Vice Minister Chen Xinhua of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and Kazakhstan Communications Minister Kaliev were co-chairmen of the meeting. The two sides signed the Summary of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee.

October 17-20, An Chengxin, vice chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, led a delegation on a working visit to Kazakhstan. During the visit, the Chinese delegation held talks with the Kazakhstan Administration of Industry and Commerce and the Commerce Department of the Investment Commission, and held economic and trade negotiations in Almaty.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1998 reaches US$636 million, increasing by 20% over 1997. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$205 million and import US$431 million.


March 5, China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Korea, Mongolia and Viet Nam signed the agreement on the consultation of the transshipment volume of the 1999 import, export and transit freights and the safeguard measures.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 1999 reaches US$1138 million, increasing by 79.2% over 1998. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$496 million and import US$644 million.


June 15-19, at the invitation of the State Metallurgical Industry Administration and the China Import and Export Bank, the advisor to the Kazakhstan Prime Minister, visited China and held talks with the leaders from the State Metallurgical Industry Administration and the China Import and Export Bank.

October 26-27, the fifth meeting of the Sino-Kazakhstan Inter-Government Committee of Cooperation in Economy and Trade and Science and Technology was held in Beijing. October 27, State Councilor Wu Yi met with Committee Co-Chairman, minister of communication and transport of Kazakhstan, and the two sides had extensive exchange of views on matters concerning the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

The trade volume between China and Kazakhstan in 2000 reaches US$1557 million, increasing by 36.7% over 1999. Of the total volume Chinese export is US$494 million and import US$644 million.


From May 22 to 23, 2001, the first meeting of the China-Kazakhstani Scientific and Technological Cooperation Committee was held in Alma-Ata. The meeting examined and approved 19 cooperation projects. Delegates from China's Xingjiang, Gansu and Guizhou took part in the meeting. From June 18 to 22, a delegation headed by Marchenko, Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, visited China at the invitation of Dai Xianglong, Governor of the People's Bank of China. From June 27 to 29, the first meeting of the China-Kazakhstani Communications Ports Sub-Committee was held in Urumqi of China. The meeting was co-presided over by Hu Xijie, Vice Minister of Communications of China, and Zvirikov, Vice Minister of Communications of Kazakhstan. The two sides signed the Minutes of the First Meeting of the Communications Ports Sub-Committee of the China-Kazakhstani Governmental Economic and Trade Cooperation Committee. From August 14 to 17, at the invitation of the Government of Alma-Ata, Li Dachang, Vice Governor of Sichuan Province and Head of the Leading Group for Enlarging the Market of the Five Central Asian Countries of Sichuan Province, visited Kazakhstan. He signed the Agreement on Establishing Sisterly Province-State Relations between Sichuan Province and Alma-Ata State. Tokayev, Premier of Kazakhstan, met with Li Dachang and his entourage. From November 16 to20, Wang Lequan, Secretary of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regional Committee of the Communist Party of China, visited Kazakhstan at the invitation of Tokachev, Premier of Kazakhstan. Premier Tokachev and Yidlisov, Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, respectively met with and held talks with Wang Lequan, having exchanges of views on economic and trade, communications and transport cooperation and other issues of common interest.

According to the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of China, in 2001, the bilateral trade volume between China and Kazakhstan reached U.S.$ 1.29 billion, down 17.3% than in 2000. Of the total, China's export was U.S.$ 0.33 billion and its import U.S.$ 0.96 billion.

IV. Bilateral Exchanges and Cooperation in the fields of Culture, Science and Technology and Education


February 22-27, the Kazakhstan Government Cultural Delegation led by Cultural Minister Rakhmadiev paid a visit to China.

April 29, Vice Minister Hui Yongzheng of the State Commission of Science and Technology of China led a delegation to visit Kazakhstan and held talks with the Kazakhstan vice minister of economic planning and the vice minister of science and new technology.

June 20-July 4, the Kazakhstan seismology delegation led by Ashliayev, vice president of the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences, paid a visit to China.

September 28-October 9, at the invitation of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the Chinese NPC, Chairman of the Science and National Education Committee of the Kazakhstan Supreme Soviet, led a delegation to pay a friendly visit to China, and signed the summary of the talks between the two Committees. NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wan Li received the delegation.


August 29-September 9, Kazakhstan Deputy Cultural Minister Kalieyev paid a visit to China and attended the opening ceremonies of the performance by the Kazakhstan National Circus in Hubei and Beijing.

September 6-13, President Zhou Guangzhao of the Chinese Academy of Sciences led the Academy's delegation to visit Kazakhstan and met with Kazakhstan Vice President Assanbayev.


May 26-29, the Kazakhstan Civil Aviation Administration conducted the first trial flight to open the Almaty—Beijing-Almaty air route and people from the Kazakhstan Communications Ministry, the Presidential Office, the Foreign Ministry, the Civil Aviation Administration and the press participated in the inauguration.

August 12-18, Chinese Vice Communications Minister Li Juchang led a delegation to Kazakhstan to take part in the joint survey of the highways linking the four countries of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan.

October 25-30, at the invitation of the Science and New Technology Committee of the Kazakhstan Supreme Soviet, ViceChairman Han Huaizhi of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the Chinese NPC led a delegation to visit Kazakhstan, and held talks with the leaders of the Science and New Technology Committee. Kazakhstan Supreme Soviet Chairman Kekilbayev met with the delegation.

December 30, on behalf of their respective governments, Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Chen Di and Kazakhstan Science and New Technology Minister Shkolnik signed the Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation Between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Kazakhstan.


April 14-17, Vice Minister Liu Jie of the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission of China led a delegation to visit Kazakhstan and met with Minister Aitimova of Youth, Tourism and Sports.

June 20, the Chinese Ministry of Culture and the Nationalities Publishing House co-sponsored the ceremony to launch the book in the Chinese edition of " Collection of Exhortations " by the Kazakh poet Abay at the Beijing Workers’ Cultural Palace. Chinese Vice Cultural Minister Liu Deyou and Kazakhstan Deputy Cultural Minister Mamashev attended the ceremony. On the same day, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-Kazakhstan Friendship Association held a function in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Abay, the Kazakh poet, at the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and President Qi Huaiyuan of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Vice Foreign Minister Dai Bingguo and Kazakhstan Cultural Minister Mamashev were present at the function.


Apirl 15-22, the director of the Chinese National Meteorological Bureau Zou Jingmeng led a delegation to visit Kazakhstan. During the visit, the Chinese delegation exchanged views with the Kazakhstan Administration of Hydrology and Meteorology on the further implementation of the 1996-1998 program of cooperation in meteorological technology between the two countries. The two sides agreed to cooperate in the weather forecast, research in regional climate changes and the reception, procession and application of meteorological satellite data. Kazakhstan Deputy Prime Minister Karibzhanov met with the Chinese delegation.

June 10-17, at the invitation of the Chinese State Education Commission, Kazakhstan Education Minister Zhurinov led a delegation to visit China and the two sides signed the Agreement on Educational Cooperation Between the State Education Commission of the People's Republic of China and the Education Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


January 28, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-Kazakhstan Friendship Association held a reception to mark the 5th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Kazakhstan.

October 25-November 1, at the invitation of the Islamic Association of China, President Apolony of the " Ali Majina " Islamic Association of Kazakhstan, led a delegation to visit China. This was the first time for the Islamic societies of the two countries to come into formal contact.


March 17-24, at the invitation of the China Association for International Friendly Contacts, Alieyev, director of the Tax Police Bureau of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan, led a delegation to visit China. During the visit, the Kazakhstan delegation met and held working sessions with the leaders from the Association, the State Administration of Taxation, the China Central Television and other departments and visited Shenzhen. Chinese Vice Premier Wu Bangguo met with the delegation.


April 13-23, the Kazakhstan information delegation headed by the president of the “Kazakhstan” Publishing House, visited China and NPC Standing Committee Vice Chairman Timor Dawasmat met the delegation.

April 16, the ceremony to launch the book in the Chinese and English editions of “Kazakhstan in 2030”, authored by Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, was held at the Kazakhstan Embassy in China.

April 27-May 4, the Kazakhstan information delegation headed by the Chief Editor of “Ideology” visited China, and Cai Wu, Deputy Head of the International Liaison Department of the C.P.C. Central Committee, met with the delegation.

June 14, assisted by the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan, the Kazakhstan Dungan People Association held the Voice of Friendship Concert at the Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences, where the music works by Xian Xinghai and other Chinese musicians were played.

September 7-13, the Kazakhstan art and literary delegation headed by the president of the Kazakhstan National Conservatory, visited China on invitation.

September 27, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the East Research Institute under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan and the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan co-sponsored the international symposium of Kazakhstan and China-History, Present and Future.

September 28, the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Ministry of Culture co-sponsored the photographic exhibition of the Fifty-Year Glorious Career of New China and the Chinese Art Exhibition.

November 16, the naming ceremony of the Xian Xinghai Boulevard and the unveiling ceremony of Xian Xinghai Monument were held in Almaty, Kazakhstan.


January 27, the Chinese State General Administration of Sport presented table tennis equipment worth RMB Yuan 50,000 to Kazakhstan.

In May, the ceremony to launch the book of “Kazakhstan in Progress” in Chinese translation, authored by Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, was held at the Kazakhstan Embassy in China.

May 24, Vice Premier Qian Qichen accepted an interview by the T.V. correspondents of the Kazakhstan Administration of Radio and Television.

In December, Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev sent a letter of New Year’s greetings to the readers of the magazine Chinese Talents.


From September 22 to 29, 2001, the Governmental Cultural Delegation headed by Mukhtar, Minister of Culture, Information and Social Coordination of Kazakhstan, visited China at the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Culture. He Luli, Vice Chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Sun Jiazheng, Minister of Culture, Chen Haosu, Chairman of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Chen Jiagui, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, met respectively with the delegation. The two ministers of culture jointly signed the 2001-2002 Cultural Cooperation Plan between the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Culture, Information and Social Coordination of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the visit of the delegation, activities of Kazakhstani Cultural Week were held in Beijing. On October 19, a ceremony marking the first publication of the Chinese translation of the book Kazakhstan: from Central Asia to the World written by Tokachev, Premier of Kazakhstan, was held at the embassy of Kazakhstan to China. From November 27 to December 4, Kazakhstani Information Delegation headed by Omarov, Director General of the Press and Media Bureau of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Social Coordination, visited China.

V. Important Bilateral Agreements

Joint Communiqu岢 on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People’s Republic of China and the Kazakh Republic

The Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Kazakh Republic, in conformity of the interests and desires of the two peoples, have decided to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level effective from January 3, 1992.

The two Governments agree to develop the relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence.

The Government of the Kazakh Republic recognizes that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government of China and that Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory.

The Government of the Kazakh Republic affirms that it will not establish official relations with Taiwan in any form.

The Government of the People’s Republic of China supports the Government of the Kazakh Republic in its effort to safeguard national independence and develop economy.

The two Governments have agreed to provide each other with all the necessary assistance for performance of the functions of their respective diplomatic representatives in accordance with international practice and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

(Signed)         (Signed)

For the Government of the People’s    For the Government of the

Republic of China       Kazakh Republic

              Almaty, January 3, 1992

Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Joint Communiqu岢

On the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People’s

Republic of China and the Kazakh Republic

The Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Kazakh Republic, through friendly consultations, have decided to establish diplomatic relations effective from January 3, 1992. The two Governments have reached the following understanding:

The People’s Republic of China has no objection to the Kazakh Republic maintaining only pure nongovernmental economic and trade relations with Taiwan.

The Joint Communiqu岢 on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People’s Republic of China and the Kazakh Republic and this memorandum are done in duplicate in the Chinese, Kazakh and Russian languages, all three texts being equally authentic.

The Chinese and the Kazakh texts have been checked with the Russian text to be correct.

(Signed) (Signed)

For the Government of the For the Government of the

People’s Republic of China Kazakh Republic

             Almaty, January 3, 1992


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