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  • 2 SANGRYUL,HAN 09-03-31
    Backgrounder: EU's position at G20 London summit ; I guess the U.S. need to accept the suggestions of the E.U., and the E.U.and the other nations need to adopt an advanced smart grid technology, which is worth the deficit for job creation and economic activity, is something to do ultimately. I think like USA, the world economy also urgently needs job creation, and like internet, the global economy requires common ground, that is why The World-Wide Green New Deal is necessary. We can not rebuild grand economy on the volatile, declining energy base, instead, the world has enough technology and its potential, I suppose. Thank you !
  • 1 Carl09-03-30
    I think the most pressing Issue would be the Banking crisis; exspecialy the one in the USA. for the world economy to get better I really think we need to sort out the banks. I think the best thing the the G20 can do during this crisis is to show solidarity and that they are willing to work togther to overcome it. I believe that China has an important role to play right now. China's huge economy gives it a much bigger role in helping the world economy than it has ever had.
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