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  • 65 jacky william wang09-11-01
    Nowadays,climate change,especially the global warming is posing a threat to the people and animals globally.some species even dying out,while we, human being suffer from the natural disasters,owing to the climate changes. In my point of views, the following reasons cause to the climate changes;firstly, we humans cut large numders of trees and destory tne nature ang the ecological system;secondly,the gas released from factory cause to global warming.
  • 64 cathylin09-10-30
    we must keep the balance!then human can have a good live.
  • 63 Laria09-10-29
    I do think it has inevitable relationshiops with human.
  • 62 Noah09-10-27
    the earth is alive like any anima, the anima is her parasite, the global warming is a way to fighting fever for a new balance. everything is under control by rule of universe, the earth will exist deathward if necessary. all's up to parasite! God bless us!
  • 61 lise kosewahr09-10-23
    excellent quiz
  • 60 tangqi09-10-23
    however, Chinese people are just able to afford a private car, when the global warming comes to be a hot issue.
  • 59 liulipeng09-10-22
    the people not at all
  • 58 JV09-10-21
    The questions are timely and it add up more knowledge about climatic change. Let's save our mother earth even in very small way like disposing garbage in proper place and practice recycling.
  • 57 wenxinsir09-10-19
    It's true that the weather is getting warmer and warmer,we've been feeling it more and more deeply.That's why some politicians call for adopting necessary ways to stop these trends from going on more badlly,but I adout the things can't be avoided,maybe our mankind should expearience last the passage of death.Hope it is not true.
  • 56 jeffery09-10-17
    I suppose the foundamental cause of globle warming is the carbon dioxide emission from all kinds of vehicles and industrilization. meanwhile,there is a trend that the globle warming is getting more serious . what we can do is just to plant more trees and fight against deforestation.
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