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  • 61 Christiane07-05-14
    I want to learn chinese with the program Learn to Speak Chinese. Where can I buy or order the book or look up the classes on the internet?/
  • 60 LIUYA07-05-13
    hello,I want to lean English .Can you teach me? My name is LIU YA. I like English very much. I need you help. If you have some times please......Thanks a lot!
  • 59 ZhouPeng07-05-12
  • 58 David07-05-11
    Wow, it is wonderful news for me, I will get it ,
  • 57 abraham07-05-11
    thank you for starting the beginner's cours of chinese. I enjoy it very much. the only thing that would facilitate my learning is , the eddition of Pinyin to the hanzi writing. thanks again abraham
  • 56 Feisal07-05-10
    very interesting programme. However, it would be good to use pingyin as well. I learnt spoken putonghua while I was staying in Beijing during the late 90's. It would also be interesting to have the programme on this website. Thank you and keep up with the excellent work.
  • 55 Bill Guy07-05-10
    Nin hao I would like to say I really like the show and its host is very good. the new format makes it easy'er to learn Chinese more then before. A little about me. I started learning Chinese when I fell in love with a wonderful girl in China (Her name, cao li )we met online, and we wanted to see each other so I left the USA and came to Shenzhen, I stayed with her for 2 months, and she showed me her beautiful city and her culture. she took very good care of me when I fell very sick 3 times the last time I thought I would die for sure she stayed with me every moment. Well I guess enough of that, But I really miss China alot the people the culture the old buildings the parks the cafe's I really don't know why I like it there it must be the people and the culture. CCTV9 is always on I really like alot of the programs (less some news) Well thanks so very much for your time. Oh I really like Chen Yin she so cute and pretty. Thanks again. my email is
  • 54 Bill Guy07-05-10
    Nin hao I would like to say I really like the show and its host is very good. the new format makes it easy'er to learn Chinese more then before. A little about me. I started learning Chinese when I fell in love with a wonderful girl in China (Her name, cao li )we met online, and we wanted to see each other so I left the USA and came to Shenzhen, I stayed with her for 2 months, and she showed me her beautiful city and her culture. she took very good care of me when I fell very sick 3 times the last time I thought I would die for sure she stayed with me every moment. Well I guess enough of that, But I really miss China alot the people the culture the old buildings the parks the cafe's I really don't know why I like it there it must be the people and the culture. CCTV9 is always on I really like alot of the programs (less some news) Well thanks so very much for your time. Oh I really like Chen Yin she so cute and pretty. Thanks again.
  • 53 Vixeth Vince Rajmontry07-05-09
    I have watched your show from time to time and I find it not just educating but helpful in my Chinese studies about China in general and pronunciation. You website here also helps me go over the stuff I missed on your running programs. It was a little quick for me. Im still a beginner at learning how to speak Chinese and I'm very thankful for what you do for the viewers like me. Xia Xia ni.
  • 52 metin g眉ng枚r07-05-07
    hi 謀 watch your program 謀 謀t 謀s very funny for me and 謀 want to learn chinese language because 謀 study 謀nternat謀onal relat謀ons departmant at the un謀versity how can you help and 謀 w謀ll wa謀t for your message thanks
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