"Rat´s" preparation for a Vote 灝忛紶鐨勭珵閫夊噯澶 nbsp;
cctv.com 08-24-2005 14:20
In one section of the final competition, each contestant will represent a certain animal, who would like to take part in a vote of president of Animal Republic. Now, we can see the Representative Rat (Wu Chendi)is preparing her presentation within 30 seconds.
鍦ㄥ喅璧涚殑涓 釜鐜妭涓紝姣忓悕鍙傝禌閫夋墜灝嗘壆婕斾竴縐嶅姩鐗╁幓鍙傚姞鍔ㄧ墿鍏卞拰鍥界殑鎬葷粺閫変婦銆傜幇鍦ㄦ垜浠兘澶熺湅鍒板皬榧犱唬琛紙鍚存櫒榪級姝e湪闄愭椂30縐掗挓鍐呭仛婕旇鍑嗗銆
Editor:Chen Source:CCTV.com