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Chronology of China's fight against SARS since April 20 (6)
   CCTV.COM   2003-05-01 14:05:35   
    April 25

    Wu Bangguo, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), presided over the second meetingof the 10th NPC Standing Committee. The members of the NPC Standing Committee discussed the work report on prevention and treatment of SARS disease delivered by vice-premier Wu Yi on behalf of the State Council.

    In a meeting with visiting French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said that Raffarin's visit toChina at this critical juncture in the country's fight against SARS would greatly advance bilateral relations.

    The 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) held its fourth meeting of chairman and vice-chairmen, presided over by CPPCC National Committee Chairman Jia Qinglin. He asked CPPCC committees at various levels and CPPCC members to contribute to the fight against SARS.

    Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of the PoliticalBureau of the CPC Central Committee, called on the country's state-run mass media to help unite the people and boost public morale inthe fight against SARS.

    Vice-Premier Wu Yi, on behalf of the State Council, delivered awork report on the prevention and control of SARS to the NPC Standing Committee, China's top legislature. She briefed on the eight measures to be taken by the Chinese government to contain SARS spread. These measures included canceling of the week-long May Day holiday, stopping possible spreading of SARS to rural areas, reducing the infection rates among medical staff and providing medical assistance for foreign embassy staff, media and companies, etc.

    The State Council dispatched the fourth group of anti-SARS supervision teams, which made possible the presence of anti-SARS supervisors in every provincial-level governments on China's mainland. The council decided to set up a crisis management mechanism and set aside 3.5 billion yuan (421.7 million US dollars)to establish a nationwide public health network this year for public health emergencies.

    As of 8:00 p.m. April 24, the MOH reported a total of 2,601 confirmed SARS cases on China's mainland. Of the total, 1,277 had been discharged from hospitals. The death toll reached 115.

    The Ministry of Agriculture issued a circular urging every region to take every precaution to combat SARS.

    The All-China Federation of Trade Unions urged all trade unionsnationwide to standardize their reporting system concerning SARS and anti-epidemic system. It also required its own branches, including those free of the SARS virus, to take precautions against SARS.

    The Ministry of Culture canceled all shows, exhibitions and entertainment activities in public places in areas seriously hit by the SARS epidemic. Entertainment venues in SARS-hit areas should be thoroughly sterilized. Business should be immediately stopped in any venue that SARS patients visited.

    After a five-day investigation of Shanghai's SARS situation, the WHO team said the city's disease monitoring and reporting system functioned well and there was "no intentional or systematic cover-up or underreported cases". Shanghai had relatively fewer SARS cases, said the delegation, credited to the fact that Shanghai had taken advantage of its good public health system.

Editor: Liu Hongji  Source:Xinhua

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