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World Bank grants China loan for anti-SARS program
   CCTV.COM   2003-07-08 09:07:54   
    The World Bank has granted China an 11.5-million US dollar loan and 10 million US dollars of foreign donations to strengthen its capacity to prevent the possible re-emergence of SARS and other infectious diseases. The grant is part of the SARS and Infectious Disease Response Program, launched by China and the World Bank.

    The World Bank loan will be allocated to the eight regions most seriously hit by SARS, including Guangdong, Shanxi and Hebei.

    China has promised to use the fund to conduct further research on the origin of the SARS virus, its epidemiological pattern and clinical treatment.

    The World Bank will also initiate a five-to-seven year loan program to help China improve its public health system.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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