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Beijing honors Xiaotangshan medics
   CCTV.COM   2003-06-23 09:06:50   
    After more than 50 days fighting at the most dangerous frontline against the SARS epidemic, medical workers from the People's Liberation Army are spending their last day in Xiaotangshan Hospital, the country's largest SARS hospital. People from the capital are expressing their heartfelt thanks to these tireless soldiers.

    As their historic mission comes to a successful end, the 1,600 PLA soldiers took off their masks and protective glasses for the first time in 51 days.

    It is now time for the people in the capital to express their appreciation for the PLA doctors and nurses who undertook the dangerous task of treating one tenth of the world's SARS patients in a hospital built in seven days.

    On Sunday, the Beijing Municipal Government held a grand farewell party for these military medics for their invaluable contribution in the fight against the deadly disease.

    A circular signed by the Central Military Commission Chairman Jiang Zemin to honor these men and women was read out at the gathering.

    The Xiaotangshan field hospital designated for SARS treatment discharged its last 18 patients two days ago and the first batch of doctors and nurses will leave on Monday.

    The hospital admitted 680 SARS patients during the 51-day period beginning on April 30th.

    Eight patients died at the hospital, while 672 recovered, resulting in a mortality rate of less than 1.2 percent.

Editor: Yang Feiyang

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