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Global SARS conference opens in Malaysia
   CCTV.COM   2003-06-18 08:06:50   
    Scientists and health officials from around the world have gathered in Malaysia for a two-day conference on the virus. They want to pool knowledge on SARS, even as new infections and deaths from the virus have dwindled to almost zero. In his opening remarks, Malaysian Health Minister, Chua Jui Meng, said that Southeast Asian nations are committed to preventing a recurrence of the viral outbreak.

    About 1,000 delegates are meeting near the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur. They are assessing the global response of public health system to SARS, the origin of the virus, and whether it can be wiped out.

    Malaysia's health minister, Chua Jui Meng, said the struggle against SARS may become a model for coordinating responses to possible new viral outbreaks in the future.

    Shigeru Omi, regional director for the WHO in the Western Pacific Region, said the battle against SARS is far from over.

    "Yes, we have learnt a lot but much more needs to be done before we can control this disease. We have to address many unanswered questions surrounding the virology of the SARS," said Omi.

    At the two-day meeting, scientists and public health officials will discuss their latest findings and plan further research.

    The WHO plan to use the conference to gather experts' views on the effectiveness of the response to date to SARS, and the likely evolution of the disease in both the near future and the longer term.

Editor: Han Ling

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