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HK chief executive extends greetings to health care workers
   CCTV.COM   2003-05-13 09:05:41   
    Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Tung Chee Hwa has also expressed his gratitude to all nurses in Hong Kong at a special ceremony. The ceremony was held on Monday in Hong Kong to mark the International Nurses Day.

    The ceremony was hosted by the Hospital Authority, and focused on nursing professionals' great contribution to the anti-SARS campaign.

    Tung Chee Hwa expressed to all Hong Kong nurses the most heartfelt gratitude and utmost respect on behalf of the government and the people of Hong Kong. He said "without your sacrifices and your devotion in caring for the sick, we would not have made as much progress as we have in fighting atypical pneumonia. And we would not be standing where we are now on the threshold of victory over this disease."

    He said the public's admiration and trust of nursing professionals is perfectly summed up by the term "Angels in White". He added that the battle against SARS had not only demonstrated how much they deserve the reputation, it had also added to the luster of that reputation.

    Chinese Vice-Premier and Health Minister Wu Yi sent a congratulatory message to Hong Kong nursing professionals to mark the occasion.

    She said in the message that with love and care, health care workers saved the lives of many people in Hong Kong, and helped maintain the happiness and safety of Hong Kong residents. They have won the deserved praise and respect of people in Hong Kong and on the Chinese mainland.

    Wu Yi will lead the Chinese delegation to the 56th World Health Assembly from May 19 to 28 in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Assembly is the top organ of the World Health Organization. It is convened annually to discuss important issues concerning public health.

Editor: Han Ling

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