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Logistical support behind Beijing's fight against SARS
   CCTV.COM   2003-05-04 10:05:45   
    As Beijing has become the major SARS-affected area in China, the nearby regions have stepped up their efforts to produce and transport food supplies and medical equipment to the capital city.

    Beijing's neighboring Hebei province has taken on the responsibility of sending vegetables, oil, eggs and other daily necessities to Beijing. On May 1st, over 10-thousand truck loads of these products were sent to the capital city.

    In addition, an emergency supply project has been worked out to ensure sufficient food supply to Beijing.

    Zhou Liguang, the Vice Secretary General of Baoding Municipal Gov't, Hebei Province, says "The local transportation administration has 50 additional trucks available around the clock. As soon as orders for goods come, we make sure they can be taken to the designated areas within six hours."

    Meanwhile, the factories that produce anti-SARS equipment in other cities have increased their output to meet the demands of Beijing. To fill an order from Beijing, a Shanghai soap-making group created a record high production by producing 330 thousand bars of anti-bacterial soap within 24 hours on April 20th. The Shanghai railway department has also started an express channel for anti-SARS goods -- to make sure they can be taken to Beijing in the shortest period possible.

Editor: Hou Meihong

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