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Beijing strengthens SARS inspection and quarantine at ports
   CCTV.COM   2003-04-22 10:04:15   
    As the World Health Organization put the whole world on SARS alert, Beijing's Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has taken a series of measures to try and prevent the deadly virus from spreading through the capital city's ports.

    China's State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has also joined in the efforts to combat SARS.

    Beijing Entry-Exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau now requires every traveller leaving the country to fill in a "Declaration". Only travellers without SARS symptoms will be allowed to leave. Those who have fever or other SARS symptoms are suggested to cancel travel plans and immediately go to a local hospital. Travellers entering China will go through similar procedures. And special passageway has been set up for travellers coming from SARS-affected areas.

    Infrared body-temperature detectors have been installed at the Capital Airport. The big screen is screening SARS prevention measures and other points for attention 24 hours a day. They've been released by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. A hotline is available for relevant information on SARS all day long.

    Beijing's Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau is insisting that all airplanes taking off or coming in from SARS-infected countries and regions are sterilized, and if there is any sign of any SARS on board, it should be reported immediately.

    Head of the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Li Changjiang has stressed the importance of controlling cross-infection and preventing further spread of the virus. Li said any effective measures must be taken without any delay. He also urged supervision, inspection and quarantine staff working on the SARS frontline to step up self-protection.

Editor: Zhao Xuan

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