HK government takes measures to prevent SARS |
CCTV.COM 2003-04-15 09:04:54 |
Air travelers from Hong Kong are to be screened to ensure they haven't been in contact with SARS patients. The Hong Kong government announced last week that such people will not be able to board flights.
There have been several cases of airline passengers passing the illness to other passengers or crew members during flights.
The Hong Kong government has carried out several measures including adding a new airport scan to reassure other countries that they have nothing to fear from travelers who have been to Hong Kong.
Another program will ensure that airline passengers do not have SARS symptoms such as a high fever, cough, congestion and diarrhea.
A website devoted to SARS, originally designed to help doctors in Hong Kong and other locations, has also recorded over 82,000 visits since it began operation on March 21.
The website, the first of its kind in the world, was established by the Prince of Wales Hospital and the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It provides links to the World Health Organization as well as radiographic-images, CT findings of recent SARS cases, diagnoses and other SARS information. The number of SARS radiographic images and diagnoses pictures on this website is said to be the largest in the world.
Editor: Han Ling CCTV.com