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Work conference calls new shots on SARS control
   CCTV.COM   2003-04-14 09:04:03   

    The State Council this weekend convened a national work conference in Beijing in a bid to mobilize more resources to fight the deadly SARS virus. Council chief, Premier Wen Jiabao says the whole country should be put on high alert given the complexity of the issue and urgent need to deal with the epidemic. The Chinese premier has called for utmost efforts to keep social development well on track in face of the difficulties.

    Sunday's meeting, chaired by Vice Premier Wu Yi, aimed to map out a strategy to deal with the SARS crisis.

    During a keynote speech, the Chinese premier called for calm, decisive and more scientific research to fight the deadly epidemic. Wen Jiabao noted that the country's social and economic outlook is promising but said that the central government was alert to the possible consequences of the SARS epidemic.

    He warned that nobody should take chances in dealing with the epidemic as the control and future prevention of the disease are important to China's interests. He said that the response to SARS could influence the international community's wider perception of China.

    He urged the whole country to mobilize to fight the virus and listed six priorities for future SARS-related work. They included disease control, prevention, medical research, timely treatment, national contingency planning and international cooperation.

    Premier Wen Jiabao also said that good leadership and cooperation between the relevant government agencies was essential to the fight against the SARS virus.

    Health officials from Guangdong province, which has reported the most SARS cases in China, and their counterparts from Shanghai briefed the gathering on SARS control and prevention work in their local areas.

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Editor: Han Ling

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