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Premier making an inventory of Chinese economy (1) 
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-05 09:03:44   
    Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji has said that over the past five years, China's national economy has maintained good growth momentum, and important advances were made in the strategic restructuring of the economy.

    Zhu made this remark when he delivered the Report on the Work of the Government at the opening of the First Session of the 10th National People's Congress Wednesday.

    The five years since the First Session of the Ninth National People's Congress have been an extraordinary period, the report says.

    Soon after this government took office, the Asian financial crisis struck, and world economic growth stagnated, according to the report.

    Domestically, irrationalities in the industrial structure became critical, and large numbers of workers were laid off from state-owned enterprises. Catastrophic floods struck in 1998 and 1999.

    Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups have forged ahead, worked still harder in solidarity, surmounted numerous difficulties, and made great achievements in reform, opening up and economic and social development that have won worldwide recognition. "We have attained the strategic goals for the second stage of our modernization drive and begun our march towards the third stage goals," the report says.

Editor: Han Ling  Source:Xinhua

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