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Chinese President Jiang Zemin holds talks with US President
   CCTV.COM   2002-10-27 10:10:09   
    President Jiang's arrival in Mexico came after a 4-day working visit to the US, where he held talks with US President George W. Bush at the president's ranch. The two leaders exchanged views on various issues. Later, they held a joint press conference. The Chinese President also joined the US President for lunch on Friday at the president's home in Crawford.

    The Chinese president Jiang Zemin was greeted warmly by US President George W. Bush.

    President Jiang said that the Sino-US relations have witnessed obvious improvements and developments on the whole, which shows that the two nations share extensive and important common interests despite differences.

    Jiang said that China and the United States share important responsibilities in various areas.

    President Bush said that a cooperative Sino-US relationship is in the common interests of both people.

    They also agreed to strengthen cooperation in anti-terrorism. The third round of anti-terrorism talks will be held this year. They also agreed to expand cooperation in the areas of transportation safety and trade security.

    President Jiang said the Taiwan issue was a vital issue in Sino-US relations. He said that the Chinese government is committed to peaceful reunification, adding that China will stick to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification, and one country, two systems. " However, President Jiang pointed out that the separatist activities initiated by the "Taiwan independence" forces pose the biggest threat to peace across the Taiwan Strait.

    He said China hopes that the US will continue to stick to the " One China" policy and its commitment to the principles of the three Sino-US joint communiques.

    President Bush said that the United Sates has not changed its policy concerning the Taiwan issue. The US government will continue to stick to the " One China" policy.

    The two leaders also exchanged views on human rights and religion.

    On the Iraq issue, President Jiang Zemin said the Iraqi government should fully implement the UN Security Council resolutions. He stressed that the Iraqi issue should be solved within the UN framework.

    On the issue of the Korean Peninsula, the Chinese President said China has always supported a nuclear-free peninsula and peace and stability in the region. China and US agreed to consult to ensure that the issue would be resolved peacefully.

    President Jiang invited the US president to visit China again. President Bush happily accepted the invitation.

Editor: Liu Hongji

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