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Shanghai to hold Forbes Global CEO Conference as scheduled
   CCTV.COM   2003-06-30 16:06:33   
    The 2003 Forbes Global CEO Conference, a high-profile business forum, is to be held in Shanghai from September 16 to 18 as originally scheduled. Steve Forbes, president and CEO of Forbes, says the conference will dramatically demonstrate to the global business community that Shanghai and China are returning to pre-SARS activitiy levels.

    Steve Forbes said the purpose of the event is not just to exchange information but also to serve as an incubator for business opportunities and new jobs for Shanghai, China and the world. He added Forbes never considered postponing the forum. He said the company believes, through the Chinese government's efforts, China will overcome its difficulties and achieve growth rates that will make it the envy of the world in coming years.

    The topic of the forum is China's contribution as a driving force behind global business activity. Other subtopics range from banking and capital markets in China to future technology trends worldwide. Over 350 executives of multinationals and domestic business giants will participate at the conference.

    The Forbes Global CEO Conference was initiated by the US publishing and media company Forbes which sign a cooperating agreement with the Shanghai municipal government in March. It's the second time for Shanghai to hold the influential event since the Fortune Forum was set up in 1999.

Editor: Xiao Wei

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