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SARS strikes Taiwan
   CCTV.COM   2003-04-23 15:04:33   
    At least seven medical and administrative personnel in Taipei's Peace Hospital have been confirmed as having SARS. On Tuesday, one doctor and two nurses had a fever and cough. Taiwan's Administrative Department of Disease has taken immediate action. The patients have already been sent to the hospital affiliated to Taiwan University, and comprehensive disinfection has begun at the Peace Hospital.

    Early on Wednesday morning, the Taipei Peace Hospital announced a halt to emergency diagnosis and other related businesses. Sixty-one employees and 12 relatives of the patients have been isolated for treatment.

    During the past month, the Peace Hospital has had four SARS cases. One doctor who had contact with a SARS patient had already been isolated. The Administrative Department of Disease in Taiwan began investigations at the Peace Hospital on Tuesday evening.

    Health officials in Taipei say they have examined the body of the first discovered SARS patient in Taiwan. The patient, about 70 years old, died last Friday. Besides SARS, he also had other diseases. The results of the examination are to be announced in the coming days.

Editor: Yang Feiyang

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