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China releases latest SARS statistics
   CCTV.COM   2003-04-19 14:04:12   
    Latest SARS statistics released on April 17 by China's Ministry of Health indicate that the accumulative number of people currently being treated for SARS has risen to 1,482 after 25 new cases were reported. The statistics cover the 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on China's mainland.

    Among the 25 new cases, six were in south China's Guangdong Province, 17 in Shanxi Province in the north, one in Shanghai and one in central China's Henan Province. Fatalities from SARS remained unchanged at 65.

    Meanwhile, 19 patients in Guangdong were discharged from hospital, adding the total recoveries to 1,126.

    The SARS situation in Hong Kong is said to be under effective control. According to a statement jointly issued by the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong, 30 new patients with the diseases were admitted to hospitals, while 50 were discharged.

    By Friday, a total of 322 Hong Kong patients had recovered from SARS, while those currently in hospitals were showing positive responses to the new treatment protocol.

Editor: Yang Feiyang

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