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Senior commerce official inspects SARS prevention work in foreign-financed firms
   CCTV.COM   2003-05-06 10:05:16   
    Chinese Vice-Minister of Commerce Ma Xiuhong Monday inspected the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) prevention work in two foreign-financed enterprises on Monday.

    Ma, demanding that relevant local governmental branches assist foreign-financed firms to take effective measures in prevention of SARS disease, visited the Beijing capital Nokia mobile telecommunications company and Sanyo energy company in Beijing.

    The normal performance of some foreign-financed companies in China has been affected by SARS epidemic, Ma said, voicing her confidence that the epidemic will be controlled in the near future.

    Despite the impact of SARS, no foreign-financed manufacturers have ceased production in the city of Beijing, and all the new foreign investment projects here are proceeding, said Li Zhao, direction of the municipal economic relations and trade commission on Monday.

Editor: Xiao Wei  Source:Xinhua

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