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New faces dominate NPC deputy lineup
   CCTV.COM   2003-03-03 19:03:19   
    The composition of the deputies to the National People's Congress, the top legislature, has undergone significant changes as new faces, people of the new social strata and well-educated people appear to dominate the lineup of people's deputies to the first session of the 10th National People's Congress due to open on March 5.

    Statistics show that among the 2,984 deputies elected from various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and the Chinese People's Liberation Army, more than 2,100, or over 70 percent, are new. Among the 26 deputies representing the new municipality of Chongqing under the direct administration of the central government, 48 are new faces.

    Also appearing in force in the lineup are private entrepreneurs, lawyers, freelancers and other independent professionals.

    Figures show that there are 55 private entrepreneurs among the deputies to the new NPC session. Prominent among them are Lou Zhongfu, president of the Guangxia Group in Zhejiang, one of the largest construction enterprises in the country, and Guo Xiangdong from Chongqing, who does not only have his own business but also acquired a noted state-owned construction company in Chongqing, a city that has the largest number of state-owned enterprises.

    "With economic strength and social status growing, people of the private sector would inevitably seek to have their voices heard," said Lou Zhongfu, whose enterprise raked in 565 million US dollars in sales revenue and paid 24 million US dollars in taxes in 2001.

    Also attractive is the appearance of lawyers, new performing artists and other independent professionals. The most representative is Wang Xufeng, vice-chairwoman of the Zhejiang Provincial Writers Association. She has distinguished herself in her works that reflects the life of a tea-growing family, "Trilogy of a Tea-Growing Family," which won the highest Mao Dun Literature Award.

    Although there is no official division for the people of new stratum, the drastic increase in the people from the private sector reflects the tolerance and broad vision of the ruling Party.

    The new faces and people of the new stratum reflect the tremendous changes in the rapidly developing economic and social structure, said Liu Jianchun from the Publicity Department of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, adding that with the changes in the economic pattern, there is a concomitant chain reaction politically.

    High in educational level and younger in age are also among the salient features of the composition of the people's deputies.

    Among the 2,984 deputies, 92.46 percent are college graduates, including 204 holding the doctor's degree and 46 academicians.

    The average age of the deputies is more than one year younger than that of the Ninth NPC.

    Besides, deputies from minority nationalities make up 13.91 percent and women deputies account for 20.24 percent. All the 55 minority nationalities have their representation. There are also 61 deputies representing Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan Province.

    The composition of people's deputies which features new faces, representation of the new stratum, younger age and high educational level reflects the sincerity and resolve of the ruling Party to make policy decision making more democratic and more scientific. "This is a major manifestation of the progress China has made in promoting democracy," said Sociologist Wu Zhicheng.

Editor: Hope  Source:Xinhua

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