Beijing and I
With China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, more and more foreigners are coming to Beijing to work, study, and live. Most of them have deep feelings for Beijing and many special memories there as well. So it is understandable that these lovers of Beijing share a common desire -- to use the Chinese they have studied to record and share their Beijing stories. It just so happened that “Beijing and I,” a writing and speaking competition designed especially for foreigners, gave them the perfect opportunity to do so.
“Beijing and I” writings and speech competition was divided into two stages. The first stage covered the writing competition. In this two month, the organizing committee received more than 400 articles. We selected the 13 competitors to come to Beijing to join the speech competition.
The day before the competition, the organizing committee arranged for all the participants to go on a Beijing Hutong tour. After the participants had heard the history of Beijing’s Hutong from their tour guide, they all went to the house of a Hutong resident. Even though the participants came from many different countries, they were able to communicate with each other by speaking Chinese.
Having spent the previous day sightseeing together, the competitors had got to know each other. Even though the competition was about to begin, nobody looked very nervous. Many of the participants had visited Beijing numerous times before, and as a result they felt very close to the city.
I have been in China for seven years. In these seven years I’ve studied so many things, especially traditional things like Chinese cross talk.
Everything is totally different. Hudong ran gone. There is new highway, new subway lines, and new structures everywhere.
I like Beijing. I have a lot of friends from many different countries since I came to Beijing Language and Culture University.
The competition is very fierce. All the participants manage to show off their Chinese skills to the best of their abilities. Some of them recite tongue twisters and ancient Chinese poetry while others describe their impressions of China with very vivid and descriptive language.
Reading thousands of books, walking thousands of miles.
This country is called China. These wooden sticks are called chopsticks. This wall is called the Great Wall. This teapot is called chinaware and this beautiful city is called Beijing.
Ashley is currently an English teacher at the Beijing Language and Culture University. One of her reasons for joining today’s competition is to be a role model for her students. Using her experience of studying Chinese as a motivation, she hopes to encourage her students to study English.
I tell my students time and time again that they cannot speak any Chinese in the classroom. No matter what happens, they have to speak English at all times, even if the classroom catches fire!
Rui Xiaolan is an American graduate student. Currently, she is writing her master’s thesis at Beijing Broadcasting University. She chose to learn Chinese because of her father. Subsequently, because she is learning Chinese, she and Beijing have developed a deep affection for each other. Her biggest wish is to be able to work in Beijing in the future.
My father’s suggestion for me to major in Chinese came as a real surprise because no one in our family speaks it. However, I could tell from the look in his eyes that he could see something in the future that I could not see at the time. For people of his generation, learning European languages was very important. For people of my generation, learning to speak Chinese is more important.
I think that all of us have a lot of very interesting stories to tell. But not all people really get to hear about them. This particular competition gives us a chance to talk about those experiences, those people important to us, and things that happen to us here.
This competition has been a community-building experience for the foreigners that live in Beijing. They were able to communicate with each other and tell stories in Chinese of their special experiences here. This experience and their personal stories will forever be embedded in their hearts.
隨着中國加入世界貿易組織, 到北京工作、 學習、 生活的外國人越來越多。 他們中的很多人對北京都有着深厚的感情和特殊的記憶, 他們都有一個共同的願望, 就是能用所學的漢語傾訴一下自己與北京的故事。 “我與北京”外國人徵文、 演講比賽恰好為他們提供了一個很好的舞臺。
“我和北京”徵文、 演講比賽分為兩個階段。 第一個階段是徵文比賽。 這兩個月來組委會收到了400多篇文章, 我們從這些文章中選出了13個選手來北京參加演講比賽。
比賽之前, 組委會專門為選手們安排了北京衚同游。 聽了導游給大家講解了衚同的文化之後, 大家來到了衚同裏的一戶人家做客。 雖然來自不同的國家, 但是每個人都可以用漢語進行交談。
經過前一天的游玩之後, 選手們互相都已經認識了。 雖然比賽馬上就要開始了, 大家看上去都不是很緊張。 他們很多人是多次來到北京, 因此對北京都有很深的感情。
我已經在中國生活七年了。 在這七年裏我學到了很多東西, 尤其是具有中國傳統特色的東西, 如中國相聲。
好多事情都發生了變化。 有些衚同沒了, 建起了許多新的高速公路, 還有新的地鐵線路, 到處都建起了新的建築物。
我很喜歡北京。 自從來到了北京語言文化大學, 我認識了許多不同國家的朋友。
比賽的現場非常熱烈, 選手們把自己所學的漢語都發揮了出來。 他們有的説繞口令, 有的背古詩, 有的用很生動的語言描述了對中國的印象。
讀萬卷書, 行萬里路。
這個國家叫做中國, 這個木棍叫做筷子, 這座墻叫做長城, 這個茶壺叫做瓷器, 而這個美麗的城市叫做北京。
艾希裏現在是北京語言文化大學的英語教師。 她今天參加這次比賽的其中一個原因就是想給她的學生做個榜樣, 以她學漢語的經歷為例, 鼓勵她的學生把英語學好。
一而再, 再而三要求在課堂上一點漢語也不要説, 不管發生什麼事都要説英語, 即使着火了他們還要用英語説。
芮曉蘭, 來自美國的研究生, 現在在北京廣播學院做碩士論文。 由於她的父親, 她選擇了學習漢語。 又由於學習漢語, 她和北京又結下了深厚的感情。 將來能在北京工作是她最大的願望。
父親的話讓我感到驚訝, 主修漢語, 可是我們家裏沒有一個人會説中國話呀。 但是父親的眼神告訴我, 他的話是有遠見的。 對他們那一輩人來説, 歐洲的語言很重要。 但對於年輕人來講, 學習漢語意義非常重大。
我想我們每一個人在北京都會有很多有趣的故事, 但是不是每一個人都有機會能知道, 所以這次邀請賽給了我們大家一次機會, 讓我們講講在中國的經歷, 在中國遇到的對我們有幫助的人, 一些發生在中國的事情。
本次活動是在北京生活的外國人的一次聚會。 活動中他們相互交流, 用漢語訴説着自己對北京的特殊記憶。 這種記憶將會永遠的留在他們每一個人的腦海中。