
Space experiment fulfilled 10-14-2005 10:08

The astronauts aboard Shenzhou 6 have been kept busy since Wednesday's launch. At least part of their time has been taken up by scientific experiments. And all of the experements carried out on the second day of flight were successful.

The two astronauts, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, changed out of their space suits, and have carried out a series of anti-disturbance experiments in the capsule since Thursday morning. It included closing and reopening the internal capsule door, moving between the orbital and re-entry capsules, donning space suits and testing the condensation water extraction system.

The experiments were conducted with exaggerated movements, in a bid to test the effects of their actions on the spacecraft. The results proved that the spacecraft was fully capable of enduring the movement, allowing the astronauts to move relatively freely.

The normal activities of daily life are now an important part of their experiments. Eating, drinking, sleeping and excreting all require different solutions.

The astronauts need to ensure that they have enough nutrition and rest to keep themselves in top condition.

The two will take notes, and record video footage of the flight. They take it in turns to rest, and shuttle between the re-entry module and the orbital module, which is also a laboratory.

The lab will be used for numerous experiments to gather important information in space. It contains eggs from hens and silkworms that will be analyzed back on Earth.

Editor:Wang Ping

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