
HK & Taiwan residents remember war 08-15-2005 16:45

In Hong Kong and Taiwan, ceremonies have also been held to mark the anniversary. Participants have demanded the Japanese government take history seriously and not distort it. They also expressed their hopes for world peace.

Residents of Taiwan sang an old song that was sung in the battlefields 60 years ago, to remember this piece of history.

Writer Sima Zhongyuan said: "You can't calculate the harm that Japanese troops brought us, because what they destroyed was the root of our culture, our booming economy and forcing people to leave their homes."

Retired General Hu Zhizhi said: "In the war, even though we won one day, we did not know whether we could survive tomorrow, but we didn't care. Finally, we witnessed the victory. When we gathered, we were not smiling and cheering, but crying."

New Party Chairman Yok Mo-ming later joined the ceremony. He said the Party will hold a performance Friday to mark the victory.

In Hong Kong, demonstrations and marches were seen along roads leading to the Japanese consulate. Waving signs calling on Japan to never forget the Nanjing massacre, marchers demanded Japan fulfill its post-war obligations.

Hong Kong Resident said: "We demand that militarism is uprooted. Second, they must take away banners from our Diaoyu Island. Third, they must shoulder their post-war obligations and compensate. And last, they shouldn't use the distorted history text books."

At the same time, protesters also expressed their hope for peace.

Editor:Wang Ping

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