
Who is Arafat´s successor? 11-11-2004 13:59

Palestinian president Yasser Arafat's poor health has sparked intense speculation about the potential successor to the 75-year-old Palestinian leader.

One Palestinian official said Arafat had created a special committee consisting of Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei, former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, and Salim Zaanoun, head of the Palestinian National Council, to run affairs while he is ill. But Arafat spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeneh said Arafat had not set up such a committee.

Tang Zhichao, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said, "In the short term, an immediate formation of a collective leadership, such as the committee of three, will maintain stability in the Palestinian government. But in the long term, a presidential election is inevitable. So internal power struggles, chaos and even bloodshed are possible."

A Palestinian source said the Palestinian National Authority was trying not to leave any political vacuum after Arafat's death, which could cause chaos and anarchy in the Palestinian territories. Meanwhile, Hamas and the Popular front for the Liberation of Palestine called on Thursday for an immediate formation of a collective leadership.

Arafat has become a symbol for the Palestinians' struggle for statehood over the last four decades. His poor health and his departure from his battered West bank headquarters have sparked intense speculation about his eventual successor.

Tang said, "For a long time, Arafat's been expected to name a successor, but he has not done so yet. We had thought Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei and former Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas would be key leaders who would take over the Palestinian movement after decades of Arafat rule. But Abbas resigned over a power struggle with Arafat. And Qurei has also repeatedly threatened to resign in an effort to pressure Arafat to hand over some of his powers. Now we are at a loss to say who will be the successor."

Prime Minister Qurei is a veteran ally of Arafat and gained a reputation as one of the most skilled Palestinian politicians in his role as speaker of the Palestinian legislature. He took the post as Prime Minister last year after his predecessor Abbas resigned.

Mahmoud Abbas, number two in the Palestine Liberation Organization, presided over a PLO meeting on Saturday, the first time that anyone but Arafat has headed a meeting of the body since 1967. But Arafat's seat was left symbolically vacant.

Political analysts say other contenders include former head of Fatah, Marwan Barghouti, who is currently in an Israeli jail serving five consecutive life sentences. International mediators have also courted the former Interior Minister and Security Chief in Gaza Mohammed Dahlan as someone who could instill order in Gaza after a planned Israeli pullout next year.

The Palestinian National Authority's law calls for its parliament speaker to serve as acting president for 60 days until an election can be held.If the president dies or becomes incapacitated, it is the Speaker of the Legislative Counci Rawhi Fattouh, who becomes head of the Palestinian National Authority for an interim period until elections are held.


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