
Arafat´s health worries Palestinians 11-08-2004 09:41

French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier underlined Sunday that Arafat is "alive" and in a "very complex, very serious, but stable condition". At the same time, over in the West Bank and Gaza, efforts to unite the various factions continue, as thousands turned out for the funeral of two Palestinians killed by Israeli soldiers.

Not knowing whether Arafat will live or die, artists in Gaza work on huge paintings and banners of their leader.

And efforts to unite the different Palestinian factions continue.

Palestinian Cabinet Minister Saeb Erekat said: "The National Security Council decided to support the implementation of a plan to restore the rule of law and public order in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and at the same time to continue dialogue with all the Palestinian factions with the hope to reach a common consensus in restoring public order and the rule of law and maintaining the oneness of the Palestinian Authority while preserving political pluralism."

Erekat also called for the Israeli public and politicians to show sensitivity and respect at this difficult time.

Palestinian sources say Arafat's deputy Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei plan to travel to Paris on Monday to visit him.

Meanwhile in Khan Younis, thousands of Palestinians marched through the streets of the refugee camp, for the funeral of two men killed Saturday by the Israeli army.

The two had been trying to infiltrate a Gaza Strip settlement.

The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.


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