
Cause of Arafat´s illness yet known 11-07-2004 12:42

A Palestinian official says doctors are still unable to determine the cause of Yasser Arafat's critical condition. The 75-year-old Palestinian leader is being treated in a military hospital in Paris.

Arafat's finance advisor Mohammad Rachid told reporters, at the gate of the hospital, that doctors still don't know why Arafat's health suddenly deteriorated last week, although they have ruled out leukaemia as the cause.

With conflicting reports circulating on Arafat's health, Rachid said they aren't rushing to any conclusions and are taking into account all possibilities. Arafat's senior aid Nabil Abu Rdainah said a message from Arafat's wife will be sent to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah on Monday, informing them of the latest on his condition.


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