央視國際 (2005年06月06日 09:53)
楊瀾女士現任陽光媒體投資控股有限公司董事局主席,係資深傳媒人士,全國政協委員.1990年,畢業於北京外國語大學,獲英美語言文學學士學位。1990年至1994年,擔任中央電視臺《正大綜藝》節目主持人,1994年獲中國第一屆主持人“金話筒獎”。之後,她就讀於美國哥倫比亞大學國際及公共事務學院,並獲國際事務碩士學位。1998年至1999年,楊瀾加盟香港鳳凰衛視中文臺,開創名人訪談類節目《楊瀾工作室》,並擔任製片人和主持人。 2000年,創辦了大中華區第一個以歷史文化為主題的衛星頻道—陽光衛視。2000年和2001年,陽光文化兩次入選《福布斯》全球最佳小型企業。2001年,應邀出任北京申辦2008年奧運會的形象大使;同年7月,在莫斯科國際奧委會會議上代表北京作申奧的文化主題陳述。2002年,擔任國際艾美獎電視獎紀錄片及藝術紀錄片評委。
Yang Lan (China)
Yang Lan is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the Chairperson of Sun Media Investment Holdings Limited.
Ms.Yang received her bachelor degree in English Language and Literature from Beijing Foreign Studies University and acquired her master degree in International Affairs from Columbia University. She won national fame in 1990 by hosting “Zheng Da Variety Show” on CCTV.
In 1999 and 2001, Ms. Yang was named by Asiaweek magazine as one of the “Leaders in Society and Culture in Asia” and one of the “Movers and Shapers of the 21st Century of China” respectively. In 2000, she established Sun Media, which was listed in Forbes as one of world’s best small enterprises in both 2000 and 2001.
Ms. Yang served as a Goodwill Ambassador for Beijing’s bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games and as one of the speakers in the final presentation to the International Olympic Committee in Moscow.
In 2002, Ms.Yang served as a juror for the TV documentaries and art documentaries category in the International Emmy Awards.
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